Hipster Ethnic Cleansing


Get this, a liberal writer pens a piece about how age-stratified her new community is! Duh? She moved to Austin, Texas – a multiple college town of all things. This gal has “community organizer” written all over her.

Here is a great quote:

“When I go to events and restaurant openings, I see a lot of people that look like me—young professionals, often unbearably hip.”

No kidding! You young “professionals” are like lemmings, you herd together, think alike, dress alike, eat the same trendy foods to the exclusion of all others. And after selecting a hipster community to feel safe and accepted in – you are shocked.

Your new city is age-stratified on purpose. It is done with zoning and planning and is ruthless in its efficiency.

Hiding behind a story that she wants to reach out to older people is such baloney.

Austin is just like Seattle, Washington, and Portland, Oregon. The cities are designed to be hipster-friendly and closed minded to all that is not progressive.

The only thing unique about Austin is that is not on a coast.

Let’s get back to the writer’s quote about unbearable hipsters.

“When I go to events and restaurant openings, I see a lot of people that look like me—young professionals, often unbearably hip.” (Don’t forget Panera Bread, or Starbucks, or museums – no zoos though, zoos are not acceptable to hipsters, unless it is a butterfly enclosure.)

“I see a lot of people who look just like me”

Here is the hipster little secret: Hipster communities often have shrinking black populations. That is why so many people look just like our privileged writer.

Megan, (12th most popular girl name the year she was born) writing a self-congratulating story about how she wants to be a community organizer and mix with older people says a lot about the author – and young professionals in general.

Imate: Nuvonium.com


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