Everyone everywhere, from the Feds to the World Health Organization to Persian cat-stroking supervillains like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, has it in for us, from our right to free speech, to travel, to informed consent, and even privacy.
Attack Watch
Kentucky’s Democrat Governor Creates Coronavirus Snitch Line
In a move reminiscent of the Obama years (and every other socialist-inspired regime), Democrat Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has created a coronavirus snitch line. Sorry, I meant to say coronavirus hotline. A number you call to rat out your neighbors for breaking curfew and other capital offenses.
Obama’s Stasi Get Rebranded (Again) – Is This The Change We’ve Been Waiting For?
The death of Attack Watch may have been premature. Well, that was always a given. And Skip beat me to the punch in announcing the resurrection of yet another Stasi, left-wing, rat-out-your-neighbor program, from the People that brought you Obama. Yes, for what is this the third or fourth time now, you are being encouraged … Read more
Obama’s Orwellian AttackWatch Slayed!
Democrats are hypocrites. I call them hypocrats. They cry about government spies, burning the Constitution, and trampling on our rights, except when their party is doing the trampling. They then institute speech intimidating spy on your neighbor “trial Balloons” like #AttackWatch and go “What?” if anyone dares complain.