Mommy, what does Congress do?

The End of Shutdown Theater? – Congress Wants to Automate Continuing Resolutions

This year is a sad milepost in the road to this nation’s financial Armageddon. Oct. 1 marks the 23rd straight year of beginning the federal fiscal year without a budget. Continuing resolutions are how the federal government does business.

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Leftists Have no Honor

Leftists Have No Honor

Last month, the Trump administration instituted a new administrative rule. The purpose is to promote self-sufficiency. It has the additional benefit of ensuring non-citizens can pay their own way.

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Judd Gregg Has 13 Earmarks; Shaheen…32

Following on the heels of Tim’s post about the tone deafness of the Senate (just scroll down) and the massive trillion dollar (that’s $1,000,000,000,000.00) case of bi-partisan domestic spending abuse known as the Omnibus, I thought you might like to see the list of Senators who are still abusing the "privilege" of adding earmarks even though the populace has made it clear we no longer want legislators doing that.

Tone deaf Shaheen has 32, and soon to be former (and apparently not soon enough) Senator Judd Gregg has 13.  I don’t have the specific allocations, just name, party and number of requests and there is no shortage of abuse from either party.  (H/T to Jamie Dupree and ajc)

(On the jump)

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