biden ice cream cone

Biden Loves The Power Of The Defense Production Act

Joe Biden loves the control he can wield when 65% of America thinks he is driving America further off course. If you cannot govern with a consensus, use the tools that allow you to control the masses. You may remember that Biden invoked the same act during the Pandemic to force masks onto our faces and needles into our arms.

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It Is Not Just Biden’s Age

When people talk about Joe Biden’s ability or suitability to be President for another term, the focus is always on his age. There is always a debate about how old is too old for someone to sit in the Oval Office, but that is not necessarily a fair debate. Age is a number and does … Read more

Tips for using the best home appliances

In this period of science and technology, everybody needs to purchase new devices, machines and hardware for their home. Throughout the years, many home apparatuses producers have acquired new and most recent home machines that have advertised gadgets by storm. The present life is busier than before. These days, people work to acquire their meat … Read more

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