$540 million fee increase

A $540 million Fee Increase – By a Republican?

You know that we Groksters will call out malice on either side of the aisle when appropriate, and this time it’s a Republican who has earned the spotlight. A representative from one of the most republican districts in New Hampshire has put in two very, very, anti-liberty bills. One of those bills will create a … Read more

Shurtleff Defends Stand Your Ground Repeal In The Union Leader

“There is hardly any mental misery worse than that of having our own serious phrases, our own rooted beliefs, caricatured by a charlatan or a hireling.”  —George Eliot

Rep. Steve Shurtleff, Democrat
Rep. Steve Shurtleff, Democrat

Last Monday, Steve Shurtleff wrote an op-ed in advocacy for his bill to repeal stand your ground. He tells several lies, makes completely inaccurate statements and could not cite one case where the law was used by a criminal to avoid prosecution.  Shurtleff writes,

“For more than three decades, New Hampshire law permitted the use of deadly force in

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“Ask anyone committed to Marxist analysis how many angels on the head of a pin, and you will be asked in return to never mind the angels, tell me who controls the production of pins.” ­—Joan Didion


 Defeated Democratic state Senator Maggie Hassan made it official today that she will be running for governor in 2012. In her usual hokum, Hassan touted the typical big government solution to prop up the economy. As reported in the Union Leader, Maggie the Marxist, “stressed the need to create jobs by “investing” in education and job training programs and by fostering a business climate that attracts innovative small businesses and new technologies.” Translation: “investing” equals big-government spending and solutions…equals heavy taxation to raise such revenues. Such notions were brought with her as a carpet-bagging “massplant” to the Granite State. 

The Union Leader reported that “Maggie the Marxist” pledged to be a fiscally responsible governor who would veto any sales or income tax and commit herself to a balanced state budget.  This is laughable given her extensive record as a State Senator.  My fellow Blogger Steve MacDonald absolutely nailed it on back October 5th when he wrote:

  Hassan is a left wing, government first, spend then tax Democrat who wants socialized medicine, supports abortion from conception to birth (also here), and was more than willing to trample on opponents with the “Sullivan/Hassan Hates Speech (the left can’t control) amendment.” (also here, and here, …)  She is also willing to lie about her opponents to get re-elected.

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“We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government.” Justice William O Douglas


Perhaps some will read this and the knee-jerk reaction might be, “Oh, there goes one of those tin-foil-lined hat rants again…Like the government doesn’t have anything better to do than watch, “me.” Perhaps on some level, thinking of the government having citizens under surveillance harkens back to Soviet-style citizen oppression, much less being an inefficient and wasteful use of valuable resources.  This issue, however, focuses on the incidental happenstance of average citizens and the likelihood of being caught up in something few contemplate or even envision.

You’re watching the news and a story about bombs and explosives airs and part of the interview features some law enforcement mouthpiece claiming, “The bomb was constructed from instructions readily available on the internet…and materials bought at local hardware and home goods retailers…” You have never given thought about building a bomb, much less how to build one. So, being bored you grab your laptop and Google, “How to build a bomb” Sorting through the various hits the topic garners, you spend all of ten minutes searching and reading. All you really want to know is if the claims made have any credibility.

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