
Bullies: Teach Your Kids How to Deal With Bullies Because the Schools Will Not

School Anti-Bullying Programs do not work. In many cases, it appears as incidences of bullying have increased. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Criminology suggests that the anti-bullying programs, now popular in many schools may not be useful. Seven thousand kids at 195 different schools were examined and the authors found that schools with anti-bullying programs were more likely to experience bullying than children who attended schools without such programs.

In Manchester New Hampshire, two instances of assaults were video recorded by students of other students

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Minnesota Democrats Bullying a Candidate for Practicing Gay Sex?

MN Democrat Party Bullying Rep to drop out  of race for having gay sexHere’s a real winner from Minnesota.  State party Democrats are trying to convince Legislator Kerry Gauthier not to run for re-election in his reliably Democrat district.  Gauthier, 56, had consensual oral sex with a 17 year old boy at a rest stop in Duluth back in July.   (The age of consent for such matter appears to be 16 in Minnesota.)   Gauthier, also a Democrat, has caught local party leadership with their pants down–they want him to drop out of his race as soon as possible.

Their point seems to be that this is inappropriate conduct for two males above the age of consent, and that it is a distraction. But I though the Democrat Party line was that consensual sex between any two consenting “adults” was a right (and their own damn business)…no matter what kind of sex it was?  So what the hell just happened?

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Savage Hypocrisy

Dan Savage - Hater, bully, coward who bashes ChristiansHave you heard about Dan Savage?  He made some news recently by being himself.  That is to say, he is an angry, ill-mannered, hater hiding behind the skirts of the anti-bullying movement.   And not just any skirt.  He’s White House approved, well connected in the progressive idiocracy, endorsed by some of it’s dimmest bulbs, and a full blown world class hypocrite with a big mouth who is nothing more than a bully and a coward.

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