Notable Quote – Ann Coulter

by Skip

“Only the Democratic Party could produce a string of presidential candidates who oppose school choice and vouchers while sending their own children to lily-white private schools. Only the Democratic Party could hysterically denounce a Supreme Court nominee for allegedly making unwanted sexual advances in the workplace and then applaud a president who was receiving oral … Read more

Peter Singer Compared Black People to Apes?

And as far as we know, he still has a job. Princeton ethics professor Peter Singer compares black people to apes, citing the black liberation movement as a model for the liberation of apes. We must “extend to other species,” Singer says, “the basic principle of equality” that we extend “to all members of our … Read more

I think I’m in love….

Here’s Ann Coulter, starting with a defense of New Hampshire’s own John Sununu. We already knew it—she’s damned good—but it’s well worth repeating…and well worth watching.

“Negros With Guns”

Ann Coulter relaxing on back porch....

Ann Coulter, despite her recent foolishness in attacking Newt Gingrich, is nearly always, ahem, “on target.”

As with her recent column, “Negros with Guns,” which starts out like this:

Liberals have leapt on the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida to push for the repeal of “stand your ground” laws and to demand tighter gun control. (MSNBC’S Karen Finney blamed “the same people who stymied gun regulation at every point.”)

We don’t know the facts yet, but let’s assume the conclusion MSNBC is leaping to is accurate: George Zimmerman stalked a small black child and murdered him in cold blood, just because he was black. If that were true, every black person in America should get a gun and join the National Rifle Association…

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