Thus saith Hillary. Thus sayeth Hillary’s history

They either forget or have no shame at all.  She does both. (H/T: Powerline)

O on Terrorism, Striking Foreign and Domestic Intersections

Yesterday, the pusillanimous powder puff currently lounging in the Oval Office gave a speech on the “war on terror”. Below are some of the lines that struck me as interesting given the current maelstrom of power abuse scandals spinning around the great eared one.


“We will never erase the evil that lies in the hearts of some human beings, nor stamp out every danger to our open society. What we can do – what we must do – is dismantle networks that pose a direct danger, and make it less likely for new groups to gain a foothold, all while maintaining the freedoms and ideals that we defend.”

Naturally, the “networks that pose a direct danger” is in the eye of the beHolder. Given the recent lens that many more now peer through to clearly make out this administration’s penchant for abusing power and disrupting networks of American citizens it’s hard not to know what else he’s referring to. 

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Benghazi – All about “the video”? Or is this all about covering up Obama’s “Mission Accomplished” moment?

…which ended up not supporting 4 Americans that ended up being murdered? And not only by our government, but by the so called Press that are supposed to, in their own words, “afflict the comfortable”?  The info-nuggets are starting to spill out – it wasn’t about the video.  The Big Problem, is the absolute craven … Read more

“Leading from Behind” in Libya – the result (that would be Benghazi-Gate)

(H/T: Instapundit)

Clinton Takes One for The One – Benghazi Her Responsibility.

Against all likelihood, Hillary Clinton is taking responsibility for Benghazi.  I know, who’d have thought? Right now the narrative is to ply the theme that this should not be politicized which is utter rubbish.  In the Democrat world everything is political.  Everything you opponent does matters. And Obama is still responsible for his people.  He … Read more

October Surprise – Democrat Party Civil War “Clinton’s vs. Obama’s”

clinton obama fued over BenghaziThree Days ago I suggested that someone had to take the blame for Benghazi and the cover up and that the Clinton’s would never let that ruin Hillary’s chances at a future Presidential run, or at the very least would they let it spoil their place in history.  I summed it up like this.

This cannot be disguised as some conspiracy theory.  Americans died – Obama lied.  So someone has to swing and I can’t see Clinton taking the fall, or taking it alone.

Seeing as we are talking about the blamer-in-chief, finger-pointer extraordinaire, narcissistic child-president, there is no way he (Obama) is taking the blame for this. He has czars and secretaries of this or that to take the blame, that is why they are there, at least in his mind.  But that particular act of arrogance (against Hillary Clinton) might be all that is needed to topple him completely.  And Friday, Jay Carney got the ball rolling by inferring that State is responsible for handling security at the embassies not the White House.

Gauntlet thrown.  Let the civil war begin.

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Will Hillary Clinton Give Barack Obama An October Surprise?

LIBYA Embassy Attack Benghazi - Will Clinton take the fall?Congress is preparing to investigate the Benghazi attack and what lead to the death of Ambassador Stevens and three others.  It will also have to follow the trail of ‘cover-up’ bread crumbs left in the two weeks that followed, by which the Administration lied about almost everything, what they knew, when, and why.

The Department of State and Secretary Hillary Clinton have said they will assist however they can, and are responding promptly to witness requests by the Oversight committee.

So here’s my thinking.  Given that the Administration and State knew, and what we all now know, if Clinton gets hung up on this does it end her political career?  Could Benghazi destroy any remaining interest she might have had at running for President in 2016?

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Obama Admits to “Performance Issues.”

Did you hear this one?  Barack Obama, speaking to Hollywood’s 1% at yet another fundraiser, in explanation for failing to show up for the first of only 3 debates he will have with Romney in front of America, said he can’t perform flawlessly night after night. Performance issues Mr. President? A few observations… Some of … Read more

Administration Knew Embassies Were Targeted 48 Hours Before Mobs Hit Embassies And Said Nothing

It’s official.  The feckless reach of the Obama administration is not constrained by borders.  As reported in the “The Independent”, the State Department had information 48 hours before the liberty loving rabid, revenge filled mob encroached upon the embassies and murdered Ambassador Stevens and three others, but decided that news wasn’t worth dispensing to the … Read more

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