Clinton Takes One for The One – Benghazi Her Responsibility.

Against all likelihood, Hillary Clinton is taking responsibility for Benghazi.  I know, who’d have thought?

Right now the narrative is to ply the theme that this should not be politicized which is utter rubbish.  In the Democrat world everything is political.  Everything you opponent does matters.

And Obama is still responsible for his people.  He is still responsible for directing policy.  Clinton should just be  exercising Obama policy.  If she is not, then Obama is complicit for letting her off the reservation and he has a handful of Dead Americans as a result.

And…there’s the cover up.  The bungling of the narrative while they tried to find a political advantage.  The misreported facts, outright lies, finger pointing and misdirection.  These are not new from Obama–it is a feature of every crisis he has faced.  But what will come of it?  They are hoping the Clinton distraction will make it go away.  I don’t think it will.

But there she is, “taking the heat.”  Playing the only card they have.  The “yes, it’s a tragedy but lets not politicize this; we have to get past this to heal the nation,” or something.   I can only imagine that Obama either made it worth her while or he has something on her.  Or maybe she’s thinking she can get past this the way Bill got past the cheating, lying, and all that other stuff.  Maybe.

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