It is axiomatic that to be a Muslim, you must: believe in Allah by taking him as your one and only lord, accept Muhammad as Allah’s beloved messenger, and take the Quran as a literal work of Allah and a perfect prescription for living.
The Islam Conundrum
The dictionary defines religion as, “The expression of man’s belief and reverence for a superhuman power recognized as the creator and governor of the universe.” By this definition, Islam qualifies as a religion, and so do numberless others. A definition this broad is ambiguous and must be further defined with the specific tenets and practices … Read more
The Anachronism of Apostasy
Whereas the practice of slavery enslaves the body, the dogma of apostasy ensnares the mind. Whereas slavery is a shameful practice of the past, some shameless religionists still use the doctrine of apostasy to intimidate and severely punish people who elect to choose their own beliefs.
Digital Book Burning: Hey Amazon, What Is Hate Speech?
Amazon has been under fire for pulling a conservative book from its online store. Its new policy is banning books that promote “hate speech.” What is Amazon doing? But where do hate speech rules come from?
A Conversation with Allah
It is axiomatic that to be a Muslim you must: believe in Allah by taking him as your one and only lord, accept Muhammad as Allah’s beloved messenger and take the Quran as a literal work of Allah and a perfect prescription for living.
Islamic Basics
How can we deal with Islam respectfully or intelligently without a grasp of Islamic basics? In order to deal with Islam intelligently we must grok Islamic doctrine. How can we best do this? Well, perhaps the best way is by going to the source documents of Islam. The holy texts are the Quran, Hadiths and the Sira.
Islamic Doctrine for Non-Muslims
Islamic Doctrine for Non-Muslims is an important subject to get a handle on. Islamic ideology is not peaceful. Islam is violent and dangerous to the world. If you do not believe that, you are in denial, irrationally so.
Did Women in New Zealand Wearing Hijab Intend to Normalize the Systemic Oppression of Women?
Women in New Zealand are donning a sign of oppression in solidarity with Muslims in their country. The headscarf or hijab is described in the Koran as a barrier or curtain. It is not fashion nor is it a choice. It is required. What professor and former journalist, Asra Nomani calls “a symbol of purity culture antithetical to feminist values.”
“It’s OK for husbands, fathers and brothers to beat disobedient women”
Imagine if a ranking member of the Israeli government said something like, “It’s OK for husbands, fathers, and brothers to beat disobedient women.” How about if Trump said it? What if a ranking member of the Palestinian government said it? While [a] campaign was running and teaching that it is never acceptable to hit women, Abbas’ advisor Mahmoud … Read more