Should the Government - Nope

Notable Quote – We’ve gone the wrong direction; REALLY wrong!

Somewhere along the way we lost our conviction that the best government was self-government. In our enthusiasm for turning over every social problem to the administrative bureaucracy for solution, we forgot that democracy is based on the maxim that the solution of the problem of social life is the business of the people themselves. Neither … Read more

American Ingenuity

Somewhere, De Tocquville is smiling: “I told you so!”

Progressives and Socialists (e.g., those that despise our Founding Principles (else why do they never give up in trying to destroy them?)) always look to Government for answers (and always to the most Centralized version of such)? The rest of us that haven’t lost that sense of “rugged individualism” (again, also despised by our betters) … Read more


Notable Quote – Alexis De Tocqueville

It may easily be foreseen that almost all the able and ambitious members of a democratic community will labor without ceasing to extend the powers of government, because they all hope at some time or other to wield those powers. … Centralization will be the natural government.” -Alexis De Tocquivelle (“Democracy in America”) And here … Read more

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