Residences at Epping Station-Epping Workforce Housing Initiative

Nice To See That Alexa Carpenter Used the “Old White Privilege Card” To Push Her Developer’s Epping Station Project

Yeah, this is my long-late response to Alexa Carpenter’s Op-Ed “NH’s Housing Crisis: a Product of Vocal NIMBYs and a Silent Majority“. I agreed to put that Op-Ed up back in February even though I disagreed with it. I  emailed her back at the time that she’d get blowback about it and she basically said … Read more

Residences at Epping Station-Epping Workforce Housing Initiative

NH’s Housing Crisis: a Product of Vocal NIMBYs and a Silent Majority

So how do Granite Staters really feel about the housing shortage? According to a recent Saint Anselm College poll, two-thirds of New Hampshire voters agree that their community needs more affordable housing.

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