Alan Dershowitz

Alan Dershowitz Reveals Reasons He Is Leaving Democratic Party

Prominent attorney and former lifelong Democratic Party member Alan Dershowitz called out President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday as key reasons for his departure from the party. In late August, Dershowitz announced his exit from the Democratic Party during an interview on “Talkline” with Zev Brenner, citing the Democratic National Convention and “anti-Jewish” … Read more

The Trump Indictment Fails The Nixon Test

The bottom line of the recent Trump indictment alleges that he knew or should have known that he lost the election fair and square, and that his actions in challenging the result were therefore corrupt and unlawful.

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handgun pixaby

No Right Is Absolute? Think Again.

Once again, the ‘no right is absolute’ argument is being dragged out, this time as an excuse for flagrantly violating not just the Constitution, but the federal statutes that prohibit the government from collecting information about gun purchases necessary to create a firearms registry.

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Political Rhetoric Belongs on the Campaign Trail

Political Rhetoric Belongs on the Campaign Trail

Retired Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz explains the danger of moving forward with impeachment. His perspective; partisanship has been the sole motivator of the Democrat’s actions. That is something which is dangerous to the Constitution and the future of our country.

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Alan Dershowitz

Liberals Love Freedom Leftists Love Control

Liberals love freedom while leftists love control. It’s an important point Alan Dershowitz illustrates. The retired Harvard law professor is a classical liberal. Classic liberals love freedom.

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Liberal Democrat Dershowitz Compares Democrats To Russian Secret Police Under Stalin

I’ve felt for a long time that the mainstream media in America has become a propaganda machine, much like the USSR’s state-run Pravda back in the days of the Soviet Union — supplying support for those who wish to undermine our Constitution and inalienable Rights.

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