Night Cap: Woodpeckers, Pine Cones, and Morning ‘Duty’

Living in rural New Hampshire, even where the flatlanders roam, is very different from most urban settings. Most of America is like that, truly, so I’m not speaking to a fringe audience. But this is a group who, if not familiar with city living, has (hopefully) forgotten how different it is. For example, I live on a paltry 2.4 acres, give or take.

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Palate Cleanser – So, I was out Raking my Acorns…

I generally don’t watch network television – I watch TV for escapism and I’m not going to sell my eyeballs to programs that are going to “Lefty preach” at me. A GOOD preacher is one that talks with you even though they’re up in the pulpit (or, in more contemporary worship services, walking – a bit – on the stage).

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