The new administration is broadly rolling back almost all Trump-era regulations. Of local interest is a regulation meant to protect businesses from political targeting. Businesses like gun manufacturers and cryptocurrency exchanges had protection from denial of banking services. No more.
Medicare for All Should Die of Natural Causes
New research shows that under “Medicare for All,” three quarters of Americans would be worse off financially, according The Heritage Foundation. Most Americans would pay more in new taxes than they would save from no longer paying for private health care and that includes many of those not making much right now.
Pelosi’s Price Control Plan for Drugs Doubles Down on Failure
The Pelosi price control plan for drugs would limit Americans’ access to lifesaving medicines. It has the added benefit of impeding the development of new treatments for diseases. Her plan is price control of drugs. Her plan doubles down on the failures of existing government policies. Yes, the same ones contributing to higher health care … Read more
Healthcare Is Broke… What Do You Say, Let’s Fix It
One thing most Americans agree on is that our health care system is broken. It needs an overhaul. Lets look at what we have. Then maybe we should consider what we can spend. Throw money at the problem… Some people believe the answer is more money from the District of Columbia. We know DC dollars equal … Read more
First I could see her name and then POOF! I was banned. Thanks, Jan Schmidt. Oh, Jan? BTW…Part 2
So, as I showed in my first post about Jan Schmidt blocking me on Facebook, I had sent an email to her: From: “Skip” <> To: Sent: 6/14/2019 3:29:53 PM Subject: Facebook blockage Ms. Schmidt, Give the precedent set by Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald in ruling that President Trump cannot block Twitter users from … Read more
Maybe You Can’t Keep Your Doctor?
California has always thought of itself as the Earth Mother of cultural fads. But what about the socialized health care fad?
Remember when Mr. Obama and any Democrat worth their talking points was telling us that with their Health Care Plan we could keep our doctor? If that were true then why is California planning for a shortage of Doctors because of Obama-Care? Their population growth is anemic, dropping to about 1% a year, and that includes immigration. (OK. Maybe not illegal immigration.) So the only reason to need more doctors, or in this case more people with a name tag that says they are a ‘doctor’ is if real doctors are doing the boot scoot boogie away from the new regime?
I Could Hardly Be Happier…
There were only two outcomes from the Supreme Court that would be useful on the Patiend Affordable Care Act. Complete repeal, or sustaining ObamaCare essentially unchanged. The Supreme Court chose the latter, more or less. And this is fine by me. America hates this bill. A majority of states hate it. Independents hate it. But … Read more