Belknap County Conservative Republicans’ Family Fun Day – interview with Don Walker

After doing GrokTALK! first thing in the morning in Concord, I headed up to Laconia to Funspot where the Belknap County Conservative Republicans were having their Family Fun Day – under the tent, free food, and opening up their arms to the public at large to talk about the Republican Party Platform, Constitutional values, and conservative values.  One example of their literature contained information on their mission, who they are, where they stand, and an answer to those that disagree that their group should even exist (full info after the jump).  While I was there, I took the opportunity to get a couple of interviews.  This first one with is long time conservative activist and co-founder of the group, Don Walker:


Technical note: normally I just use a shotgun mic on the camera but the ambient noise level was just too high for that configuration.  Instead, we were wearing headsets due to the noise level and then trying to pipe that into the camera via a soundboard – something I have seldomly done in the past.  Post-processing, it became clear that one of the cables used to do this went bad – I apologize to Susan Olsen and Colette Worseman as their interviews were too static-y to use, and I had to edit Greg Moore’s near the end as well.

You know, I can’t remember the last time that the “official” Belknap County Republican Committee had such an event – estimates were that between 125 – 175 people came over at some point during the day.

Our Mission:

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WMUR Closeup for 6/10/2012: in which NH Rep David Hess decides to widen the chasm in the Republican Party by insulting it on TV

Unbelievable – do the Establishment Republicans feel THAT secure that Hess can openly insult NH Seth Cohn on TV – and all those that ascribe to many of the same stances?  I am sorely wishing to violate my own standards to use a four letter Yiddish word that ends in “z” – but I shan’t (cute way not to violate my “adult themes, kid friendly rule; maybe I should have Seth explain it to him).

One of the big problems within the NH GOP is this divide: why be a Republican when you won’t speak, act, or vote like one?  Given that the TEA Party / 9-12ers / Libertarian part of the Party gave new spirit in the last election and a new attitude, why are you going to take them publicly to task?  Do you REALLY think that you can “muscle” votes out of these folks just on your whim?  Are you nuts?  Or do you have so little sense of the movement that you have forgotten that the TEA Party started out hating the Republicans first because they thought you all knew better than what you showed?

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GrokTV Special Interview: Pam Tucker-RNC Committeewoman Candidate. Question 10 – TEA Party and 9/12 Project?

Next to last question and again to the grassroots organization.  As with the other interviews, the idea is to get a sense of what people in leadership within the NH GOP (as she is the Deputy Speaker) are thinking about the Liberty and Freedom groups that have a stand off view of the NH GOP.  Can and will these pitches be believed – and should the L & F groups once again think there is a place for them other than as shock troops:

Your message to the TEA Party and 9/12 Project members?

Previous Questions:

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