The visual spectacle of the goings in on Canada is both moving and compelling. Thousands show up tens of thousands show support, and that’s a message that hard to beat. Optics and perception matter but only if they achieve the intended goal.
The goal is to get the government’s jackboot off the necks of truckers who want to be left alone to do their jobs. Justin Trudeau (known Colloquially as German Hillary’s Canadian girlfriend) let a bit too much of the Castro out of himself when he started playing doctor. The result was thousands of truckers out of work. Well, if we’re going to be out of work, might as well make it count.
And they did. Truckers who were not going to be out of work joined them. Armies of Canadians joined them. And it’s getting a bit brutish as Trudeau hasSWAT teams arresting folks while prohibiting the media from reporting it.
Along comes this one guy with an alternative that will likely result in a similar but less peaceful form of protest. He’s suggesting that it American truckers (or haulers in any country) just park them, turn them off, and walk away, the protests that follow will get the jobs done without them.
Major cities will be a wretched mess in a matter of days with people demanding action from whoever will listen.
There is a Better Way! Check it out.
You as a trucker protester are never in harm’s way or at risk of being arrested at home on your sofa. You might get fired, but the shortage of drivers is such that getting another job won’t be difficult. You can probably your pick. And if you happen to have enough food and supplies at hand for the duration, well, you’re all set until you get what you’re after.
Not so with many others.
One final note. I’m not saying I wouldn’t love to see an army of trucks lockdown DC and force Nancy to take a jet back to San Fran to escape the noise. That would be great. As would the optics, but, think about it. Same result, less fuss on your part.
And I’m good for a few weeks at least.