Bush on energy and how the Dems will help. Sure they will.

In his radio address this week, President Bush speaks about energy. It all sounds good, but I can’t help but think that all of the planning that’s aimed at curbing consumption of oil and its refined products is ultimately going to consume greater amounts of my shrinking take-home earnings. My apologies for sounding so cynical … Read more

Desperately Seeking Ronald (Reagan) Redux

I’m not the only NH conservative that’s taking a good hard look at the idea of a Republican presidential ticket featuring former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Manchester attorney Ed Mosca forwards his thoughts on such an idea, raising the Reagan specter, appropriately, on his birthday (Feb 6). THE REAGAN YARDSTICK Some conservatives contend that, among … Read more

A secret well kept: the good economy. Bush on the radio this week.

This week President Bush talks about the biggest untold story of the Bush II era: the robust economy. It’s a good thing he mentions it, because Lord knows the MainStreamMedia won’t. Why, that might reflect well on the Bush Administration, and we can’t have that now, can we… THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. . This week … Read more

George Bush looks forward to working with Dems. Likewise, I’m sure.

In this week’s radio address, the President welcomed the new Congress with its new majority led by Democrats. He laid out certain areas of agreement that he thinks he shares with many within the Congress that they can and should work together to achieve. THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Earlier this week, the newly elected members of … Read more

CAGW celebrates “Festivus”. Airing of Grievances and Feats of Strength.

The gang over at Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) has announced that they are celebrating "Festivus" once again this year… (Washington, D.C.) – Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today marked its third annual celebration of Festivus to acknowledge the disappointments and successes for taxpayers in 2006.  In the sitcom Seinfeld, Festivus is a fictional holiday … Read more

NOW he targets “earmarks”

President Bush discussed the economy and the topic of so-called federal "earmarks" in this week’s radio address. THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Christmas is fast approaching, and I know many of you are busy trying to finish up your holiday shopping. This week, we received good news about the economy that should brighten the season and … Read more

Is NH’s Public Employee Retirement System at the Brink of Failure?

There has been much talk about the looming crisis in the public employee retirement systems nationwide. Well- maybe saying that there is "much" talk is an overstatement- there has been precious little on the part of the governments involved. Most of what we hear on the subject is coming from lone "voices in the wilderness" … Read more

What, me worry? For some Republicans, it’s business as usual.

As the dumbstruck Republicans continue their search for someone other than themselves to blame for their poor showing in the recent elections up and down the political food chain, evidence continues to mount that they might never figure it out. Call it "being unable to see the forest for the trees." Let’s review… . In … Read more

When Democrats attack…

Part of the problem for the Republicans in recent years is, despite all the new and "fair and balanced" media, they continually fail to both get their message out and go on the offensive at apropriate times. . Witness the Democrats- While ballots are still being counted in some places, the DNC is already out … Read more

The DNC wastes no time going into attack mode.

I thought the Democrats liked McCain… you know- appreciated his "maverick" ways. Now that he’s officially announced an exploratory operation for a presidential run, the Dems suddenly aren’t as kind as they once were. One wonders if the mainstream media will have to find a new "darling" to fawn over. Hagel, maybe? Anyway, here’s the … Read more

New Hampshire- The NEW New Jersey?

Ed Naile sends another fantastic piece in which he studies the rise and explosion of out of control government, New Jersey style. New Hampshire, could this be your future? by Ed Naile Yes, a lot of the soccer moms and portfolio voters you saw at the polls Tuesday were from out of state originally. You … Read more

A chance to rebuild. “Purgation is often the beginning of a cure”

The following is Bill Asbell’s (Dover, NH) take on the election, and the recipe for reconstructing the Republican Party following its decimation in the election. Sometimes you have to wipe a slate clean and start anew. The opportunities are endless at this point. Bill’s letter is in response to an email from a friend obviously … Read more

CCAGW 2005 Congressional Ratings

Press Release Washington, D.C. – The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) today released its 2005 Congressional Ratings.  For 17 years, CCAGW has examined roll-call votes to separate the taxpayer advocates in Congress from those who favor wasteful programs and pork-barrel spending.  The 2005 Congressional Ratings cover the voting year 2005, or the first … Read more

The Math Wars

There is a war raging all around us.  It is a global war.  It is a war that the United States cannot afford to lose.  No one has died in this war, and no one is likely to.  But there are casualties.  Their injuries are not physical; they are mental.  And the suffering is life-long.  … Read more