The DNC wastes no time going into attack mode.

by Doug
I thought the Democrats liked McCain… you know- appreciated his "maverick" ways. Now that he’s officially announced an exploratory operation for a presidential run, the Dems suddenly aren’t as kind as they once were. One wonders if the mainstream media will have to find a new "darling" to fawn over. Hagel, maybe? Anyway, here’s the DNC, slamming McCain on Veteran’s Day:
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11 /U.S. Newswire/ — The Democratic National Committee responded to news reports that John McCain is entering the 2008 presidential race today.
"If the reports are correct, we welcome John McCain to the race," said DNC Communications Director Karen Finney. "The question is, which McCain is running: the McCain who called right wing extremists like Jerry Falwell an evil influence, or the McCain who spoke at Liberty University as he attempted to cater to the far right in advance of a presidential run? Or the McCain who opposed overturning Roe vs. Wade or the McCain who said he would support South Dakota’s ban? As an opportunist who supports the Bush Administration’s failed policy in Iraq and changed his mind on tax cuts, a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her health care, and campaign finance reform, it’s hard to tell which John McCain will enter the race."
Let the games begin…
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