Part of the problem for the Republicans in recent years is, despite all the new and "fair and balanced" media, they continually fail to both get their message out and go on the offensive at apropriate times.
Witness the Democrats- While ballots are still being counted in some places, the DNC is already out there hammering away at Republicans. First, as I noted in this previous post, they immediately pounced on McCain mere moments after announcing an exploratory committee to investigate a presidential campaign. Now, with Rudy Giuliani announcing his intention to run for the Republican nomination in ’08, the Democrat attack machine again wastes no time:
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 /U.S. Newswire/ — The Democratic National Committee issued the following statement in response to news that former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani may seek the GOP nomination for president:."It’s unclear whether or not Rudy Giuliani will be able to just ‘explain away’ the fact that he’s consistently taken positions that are completely opposite to the conservative Republican base on issues they hold near and dear," said Democratic National Committee Communications Director Karen Finney. "Throughout his career Giuliani has tried to paint himself as a moderate, but now that he’s vying for his party’s nomination, will he undergo an extreme makeover in an attempt to cozy up to the far-right?".Giuliani Was A Registered Democrat For Much Of His Life..Giuliani registered as a Democrat and even served as a party committeeman on Long Island when he was 21. (U.S. News & World Report, 3/23/87; USA Today, 12/20/99).Giuliani Is Pro-Choice..When asked to respond to social issues on CNN’s Inside Politics, Giuliani replied, "I’m pro-choice." (CNN, 12/2/99).Giuliani Doesn’t Support A Ban On Partial-Birth Abortions..When asked whether he supported a ban on what critics call partial-birth abortions, Giuliani replied, "No, I have not supported that, and I don’t see my position on that changing." Giuliani also told The Albany Times Union that he would not support a ban on late-term. Moreover, when asked "If you were in the Senate and he 1/8President Clinton 3/8 vetoed the so-called partial-birth abortion would support the president on that." Giuliani replied: "Yes. I said I then that I support him, so I have no reason to change my mind about it." (CNN, 12/2/99; New York Times, 11/26/99; CNN Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer, 2/6/00).Giuliani Identified Himself As Pro-Gay Rights and Supports Civil Unions and Gay Benefits..When asked to respond to social issues on CNN’s Inside Politics, Giuliani replied, "I’m pro-choice. I’m pro-gay rights." When asked whether marriage should be between a man and a woman, Giuliani agreed, but stated "I supported civil unions, however, partnerships, and I signed that legislation when I was mayor of New York City. The distinction is that you protect people’s rights."(CNN, 12/2/99; Hardball, 10/13/04).Giuliani Opposed Bush Tax Cut.."Although Mr. Giuliani is running as pro-gun control, pro- abortion-rights Republican who likes tax cuts, he did shy away yesterday from the large tax cut proposal of his political benefactor, George W. Bush, which has been criticized as too large and favorable toward the rich." (New York Times, 2/04/00)
It seems to me that the DNC should be endorsing this guy if they are portraying him accurately. It is logical to conclude that this DNC attack is designed to immediately drive a wedge between Giuliani and social-conservatives within the GOP. Perhaps.
The DNC knows Americans yearn for someone who can provide some visible leadership in the post 9-11 world. They know that Giuliani has the potential to fulfill this void for a lot of people, both left and right.
Click below to read the rest of the DNC press release. Hey, has anybody heard from "our side" lately? Do we ever criticize or otherwise point out the flawed rationale of the Democrats and their leaders and programs? Right here in NH, the Democratic leader Kathy Sullivan never, ever misses any opportunity to strike. Our side? Who IS the NH (or national) GOP leader anyway?
Hello?! [insert cricket sounds here]
Giuliani Announced a Publicly Funded Voucher Plan That Would Have Taken $12 Million Out of New York City Public Schools..In his State of the City address in January 1999, Giuliani proposed paying for a school voucher program with City money. In his FY2000 Preliminary Executive Budget, Giuliani proposed spending $12 million over two years to establish the administrative structure for a voucher program in a volunteer school district so as many as 3,000 public school students could attend private and parochial schools in the city. "The money would be distributed through 1/8Giuliani’s 3/8 office to avoid involving Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew, who opposes the idea," according to The New York Times. At a speech in Miami in March, 1999, The New York Times reported that, "Mr. Giuliani, who is in the midst of considering his political future, has adopted the national Republican Party’s enthusiasm for school vouchers. On Sunday, while delivering a speech in Miami, for example, he called it "the most important thing that has to be done with education in America." (New York Times, 4/26/99; 3/4/99).Giuliani Refused To Endorse Minimum Wage Increase..Giuliani declined to endorse an increase in the minimum wage to $6.50 from $5.50, pending studies that he said were necessary to make certain that a higher rate would not lead to the elimination of many low-paying jobs. (New York Times, 10/17/99).Giuliani Said It Would Be a "Good Thing" If the Poor Left the City; Said That Was His Welfare Strategy..In April 1995, Rudy Giuliani said that many poor New Yorkers could be forced to leave New York City as a consequence of his welfare reforms, and that it "would be a good thing." WNYC radio then reported that Giuliani said in a press briefing, "That’s not an unspoken part of the strategy. That is our strategy." The mayor denied these comments and offered to play them back, but his communications director had not taped the session. (Newsday, 4/29/95)
One thing that this also reminds us about: whoever we ultimately choose as candidates and leaders better have their act together, and be quick on their feet…