Biden oil and gas prices graphed care of RCS - Tony Heller

Joe’s Bottomless “Box” of Disposable “Tools”

Barry Obama liked to talk about “From Day One.” It reminded me of the Amazon Prime take on The Man in the High Castle. The NWO in Nazi-Controlled America was Day One. And, not-so-strange coincidence, Joe Biden’s been a train wreck from Day One.

Earth on fire pixaby

Biden’s Wonderful World

The Amazing and Astounding Accomplishments of the Biden Administration are truly extraordinary. Let’s take a look:

Joe Biden front page NYT original Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Biden Hands Russia Another Victory

One of Russia’s critical pieces of leverage is energy. Europe is dependent on Putin. Trump’s energy policy had begun to kneecap that advantage, but Biden has done everything in his power to give Russia the upper hand.

Bidenese video screen grab - Not the Bee

Biden’s Wonderful World

The Amazing and Astounding Accomplishments of the Biden Administration are truly extraordinary. Let’s take a look.

Natural Gas Flame stove top

Donald Trump Frees Poland From Russian Energy Influence

The Russians must be stupid. They, at least according to a number of unreliable sources, “helped” Donald Trump win the election. So, what? So, he is damaging their economy. Mr. Trump has opposed Russian interests, none more than energy production. He just robbed them of their Gas contracts in Poland.

Guest post by Jim Adams: “DERELICTION of DUTY”

DERELICTION of DUTY Veterans, the Benghazi massacre showed Obama’s true concern and his real agenda regarding the safety of our troops and Americans on foreign soil. As the truth continues to come out in bits and pieces, through little help from the national media, the evidence is very clear. Obama’s Rose Garden comments were the … Read more