Gaffney on the real “state of denial”

by Doug
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. is one of my "go-to" people on national security matters and its relation to the new world war. With the mess the media (and the Republicans themselves) have made for the Republicans in the upcoming election thanks to the Foley/ page affair (no pun intended), stirred with the addition of the latest Bob Woodward book hitpiece in the mix, Gaffney reminds us of the the real importance of the upcoming election in a piece from last week’s Jewish World Review
So, Bob Woodward has become the latest journalist to try to influence the upcoming mid-term congressional elections with a new book, State of Denial — a harsh critique of the President and senior members of his administration whom he contends are in such a state with respect to Iraq. Woodward alleges as evidence a refusal by Mr. Bush to: recognize the magnitude of the problem there; adjust course; level with the American people; or fire Donald Rumsfeld for his supposed singlehanded responsibility for most of the difficulties we now face.
Playing off Woodward’s book hitpiece title, Gaffney makes a case for the REAL "state of denial"- and it’s not Bush who’s afflicted. In his column, he discusses four different "states of denial" that detractors of the administration’s current policy and the war can be found to possess. They’re all dangerous mindsets to hold given the seriousness of the threat we face, but the most serious  "state of denial" listed by Gaffney is the fourth:
Most Democrats and Republicans appear to be cohabiting in another, particularly worrisome state of denial: the failure to recognize and respond appropriately to a danger not present in previous Wars for the Free World — namely, the substantial presence in America of a Fifth Column of Islamofascist organizations and cells, front groups and fellow travelers.
Apart from a hearing here or there (notably, Arizona Republican Senator Jon Kyl’s Terrorism Subcommittee has convened a few impressive ones) and the occasional comment from a legislator or two, neither party has been willing to date to come to grips with the strategic dangers of an enemy within.
As a result, American prisons, military units, college campuses and mosques continue to be used with impunity for Islamist recruitment and indoctrination.
Click here to read the entire article. You’ll be glad (and smarter) you did. Again, as bad as the Republicans are, the alternative of Democratic "leadership" is worse. While the Republicans in Congress aren’t as much help as they could be to the President in fighting the war, the Democrats will shackle the President in ways that might ultimately prove fatal down the road…


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