As Governor Do Nothing… er, Governor Lynch announces he will indeed file for re-election next week, the news arrives that he has won approval in conference committee to BORROW monies to give communities in order to fund new state education edicts. Yippeee! The state that hasn’t enough money to operate has gone ahead and agreed to pay for something that a bunch of locales didn’t want, so it will borrow the money to do so. Wow, such leadership! (Pssst… Hey Governor, you coulda just vetoed it if we couldn’t pay for it.) It’s OK though, because even though the state budget is now pegged some 180 million in the red, Governor Do Nothing Lynch is making moves to save 100 million. Phew!
"But Doug, what about the rest? Last time I checked, a hundred and eighty million minus a hundred still leaves eighty. Did the Governor say anything about that? Why doesn’t he just undo the mandates NH will have to borrow money to fund? Or is it he’s just not very good at math?"
Sorry– he’s too busy to worry about that. As written in a letter to supporters announcing his intent to seek a new term (from the Union Leader), Gov. Do Nothing Lynch
asked supporters to continue to move the state forward on the issues he says matter most — creating jobs, improving education, expanding access to health care, preserving natural resources and protecting public safety.
Among his accomplishments, Lynch cites the passage of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, increasing New Hampshire’s minimum wage, and boosting laws to protect children from sexual predators.
Hmm. Nothing there about budgets. Or spending. Or taxes. Or about the new crappy deal employers taxpayers will get with the the state employee retirement fund agreement. Is it just me, or do the "accomplishments" he lists seem a bit, well, weak? Greenhouse gas, upping the minimum wage and protecting kids from child predators? Other than the last point, which is hardly controversial in the political sense, what is there? I hate to use such a tired phrase, but when considering Governor Do Nothing Lynch, one just has to ask
Where’s the beef?

It’s my belief that a decent Republican candidate can take this guy out. New Hampshire can’t coast anymore. We need leadership, and we need it now!