Radio at the speed of live! Saturday morning at 11…





Once again, it’s the weekend, which is a great thing. It’s Memorial Day, so we will of course pay proper respect, unlike John Edwards. The other really great thing about the weekend is that it means it’s time for another two hours of

Meet the New Press

People tell me that they love the fast pace and abundance of great guests, information and topics featured week after week on MTNP. This week is no different. And you can go here and livestream… from anywhere in the world!
  • We’ll discuss the recent "climate change resolutions" adopted by many NH towns during the past election cycle, including Gilford. One of its tenets is to “encourage real reductions of greenhouse gasses while protecting our economy and supporting alternative energy.” To that end, we are calling on the county leaders to study the feasibility of finding an energy company willing to lease the county-owned mountaintops for wind generated electricity. The county would negotiate a cut of the income from the sale of green energy. Also, why not require the use of school busses by all children in our public schools? What’s up with all the SUVs in the school parking lot? Could the passage of this warrant aricle have been simply "feel good" legislation"? Terry Stewart joins us for this one…
  • In this prior post, I pasted a YouTube of Irena Goddard testifying in front of the Senate committee considering CACR18 by Concord resident Irena Goddard back on April 3rd. Irena is from the former Communist satellite state of Czechoslovakia. Her case against the state funding of education is the most powerful, and yes, intense, agument I have heard against the whole concept of centralized control of student learning to date. Of course, I can hear the naysayers now, "Oh Doug, please. Communism? Here in America? What Irena speaks of is not possible…" I think her case is VERY plausible, and our destiny if we aren’t careful. You can read the text here, but I’d recommend watching the video, which I’ve repasted below, to hear Irena’s words for yourself. She’ll join us to share more thoughts.
<YouTube here>
It all starts at 11 AM Saturday on Newstalk 1490 WEMJ. If you’re not in the Central NH broadcast area, follow these instructions  for livestreaming, or check it out later on the MTNP Podcast page.




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