Have You Tried NASA’s New “Fudge”?

James Hansen was a climate apparatchik before the global warming gravy train got rolling and has served the climate-fraud movement well from his perch at NASA, a view that affords him the power and resources to rewrite history however he sees fit.

COSMOS Sells Climate “Doom” As Science

Last Fall, when I heard that the TV show COSMOS was coming back, I was a bit excited. I enjoyed the original, way back when, and was hopeful for the reboot. But the first episode of the new COSMOS wasted no time demonstrating that axe-grinding propaganda would be part and parcel for its entertainment experience. … Read more

Envrio-nazis say – ‘No heat for you!’

When I heard that COSMOS was coming back on I was a bit excited–for a few seconds.  I enjoyed the original, way back when, though I was not tuned in at the time to potential abuses of the medium for axe-grinding or propaganda. The first episode of the new COSMOS wasted no time demonstrating that … Read more

Speak Up NH – Joe D’Aleo and Art Horn

On this edition of Speak Up NH Kevin Avard’s Nashua Cable Access program, Speak Up NH, his guests are Joe D’Aleo and Art Horn.  Joe is a co-founder of the weather channel.  Joe is one of his students.  They talk with Kevin about the money motivations behind the Global Warming scam and who benefits.  The … Read more

Maggie Hassan Proud to be a Sponsor of That Tax

Maggie Hassan keeps saying we need to have a conversation about taxes.  We have them all the time.  The difference is that Democrats talk about raising them (hundreds of them), and Republicans talk about controlling or lowering them.  And then there are the conversations about taxes that slip out when you are least expecting them … Read more

Taking All The ‘Air’ Out Of “Fair”

The Nashua Telegraph spent most of the election season giving up huge chunks of their Sunday commentary page to the mouth-pieces of special interests promoting left wing causes like health care deform, so why stop now that the election has passed?  This week we get the implausible assumptions of Cathy Silber, the coordinator of the … Read more