When I heard that COSMOS was coming back on I was a bit excited–for a few seconds. I enjoyed the original, way back when, though I was not tuned in at the time to potential abuses of the medium for axe-grinding or propaganda.
The first episode of the new COSMOS wasted no time demonstrating that axe-grinding and propaganda were part and parcel of its entertainment experience. “Science” would be at the beck and ca of the writers, who proved themselves to be liberals, likely funded with money from liberals, who were going to use the show to grind their axes.
This week, it may have aired already, was the “Global Warming is a fact and we have to do something for the children” episode. I watch 24 and there were ads. A lot of ads. With scary images. It was like Leni Riefenstahl had written an episode of COSMOS for the greater glory of the rent-seeking climate fascists and their media allies.
It saddens me to see this vehicle abused to lie to so many people about an issue whose sole purpose is to redistribute wealth by making the cost and quality of life for average Americans more expensive for no good reason. The president, most the Democrat party, and far too many Republicans, accept that man’s past and current influence on climate can be expressed to a degree that might be detrimental to ourselves or future generations.
But there is still no evidence of this.
The computer models are used to justify wildly expensive outlays that produce more errors and to prop up so-called solutions that–if they do not collapse under their weight of their own inefficiency–end up robbing every one of even more of their hard earned money just to turn on a light or heat their home.
There is no evidence of significant warming, nor is there evidence that slight warning would be anything but good.
None of the fearful predictions, advertised on COSMOS, with its scary hi-def imagery and foreboding voice over of the host, have happened. Not one. And in many cases the opposite has occurred. And yet, we must suffer the scam yet again, as liars wring dollars from people and nations for a socialist scheme whose sole success will be shared misery–not from the climate, but from the energy serfdom we will all be marched into, by people who insisted would have no ice at the poles, be under water, glacier-less, storm chased, forest fire burdened victims of big oil and the Koch brothers.
I guess I should consider the bright side. The producers at COSMOS and Fox even have to waste an entire episode of their program to elevate the Q rating of a topic most Americans pay no attention to in the first place, are not even remotely concerned with, is some kind of win.
But as the left shuts down or inhibits access to cheap abundant energy, and another longer colder winter appraoches the Northeast, people are going to get cold, and some are going to die, and that will only be because the envrio-nazis say ‘No heat for you.’
But fear not. The cold related deaths will be blamed on rich people who didn’t pony up for heat aid for people who, a few years ago, could have afforded their own heat, because the government had not yet screwed it all up just to advance a global wealth redistribution theme they’ve been hawking for decades.