In this previous posting, Skip discussed the meltdown of the mainline Protestant churches:
Much has been written here in NH, due to the ascendancy of Gene Robinson to bishop of the NH Episcopalian church (openly gay, recently admitted to a rehap facility for alcohol abuse). As an Evangelical Baptist, I have glumly watched, sometimes in horror, as these “high” churches (for their liturgical services) have changed their doctrines to suit the times and the norms of the public culture from their original doctrines of how to worship God.
In some areas, conservative (traditional) leaning churches and even the entire diocese are looking to withdraw and/or reorganize to break away from the what they (rightfully) see as wrongheaded thinking on the part of the leadership. Such is the story in central Florida where the 44,000 member Central Florida Diocese is looking to break away from the Episcopal Church USA over questions of sexuality. That diocese’s leaders have voted to instead be led from outside the country. Naturally, this doesn’t sit well with many of the people who enjoy the benefits of a church with few rules of morality and culture. The American Anglican Council Blog posted a story on July 31 about a group unhappy with the proposed change and who wish to remain with the "anything goes" status quo. In it, we find a quote worthy of an "honorable mention" for the GraniteGrok Dope of the Week Award:
Concerned about their fracturing denomination, about 150 Central Florida Episcopalians packed the sanctuary of St. Richard’s Episcopal Church on Saturday.."We take no position on Scripture or theology or morals," said Donna Bott, a leader of a group called Episcopal Voices of Central Florida, which sponsored the meeting. "We are just Episcopalians."
What more can be said? Why are the churches crumbling? Donna Bott certainly provides a clue with this statement. (Hat tip: Jenny W. of Laconia, NH)