Monday Poll


As we find ourselves rapidly approaching those dog days of summer, it becomes more difficult to worry about presidential politics. With swimming pools and beaches, horsehoes, friends, parties and BBQs, who really wants to listen to some presidential wannabee go on and on? Even political junkies like me tend to have things to do other than politics at times in the summer. That being said, I thought it might be a good time to get a sense of where the GraniteGrok readers are at this point in the campaign. Maybe get a sense of who’s up, who’s down, etc…
The Republicans…

If you were voting in the Republican primary today, who would you vote for?
Sam Brownback
Jim Gilmore
Rudy Giuliani
Newt Gingrich
Mike Huckabee
Duncan Hunter
John McCain
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Tom Tancredo
Fred Thompson
Tommy Thompson free polls


The Democrats


If you were voting in the Democrat primary today, who would you vote for
Joe Biden
Hillary Clinton
Christopher Dodd
John Edwards
Al Gore
Mike Gravel
Dennis Kucinich
Barack Obama
Bill Richardson free polls


[UPDATE*** OOPS- MY Bad! I forgot to add "none of the above" to the lists. If that’s your choice, just say so in the "comments" section– Doug]


By Doug 


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