Memo to Ahmadinejad

Here is this week’s "Exercising the First" column, which appears every Thursday in the Laconia Daily Sun (NH). It is based on information and thoughts I originally used in this post here on GraniteGrok a couple weeks back. Even though several points are reruns, there is new information that I think readers might find noteworthy… … Read more

Bush details four main goals of the so-called “surge”

In his radio address this week, President Bush provided more detail on the plans for Iraq he discussed in his prime-time speech this week. THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. On Wednesday night, I addressed the Nation from the White House to lay out a new strategy that will help Iraq’s democratic government succeed. . America’s new … Read more

Doesn’t this guy have anything better to do?

Today’s New Hampshire Union Leader is reporting on yet another attempt at the destruction of tradition and pride in the name of "tolerance." Reporter Riley Yates writes MANCHESTER – The school board will review the mascots of Central and Memorial high schools, after a former student complained they are offensive to some minorities. . Last … Read more

President Bush honors Gerry Ford in this week’s radio address

President Bush spoke of Gerald Ford in this week’s radio address… THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, as Americans prepare to welcome a new year, we do so with heavy hearts and fond memories of our 38th President, Gerald R. Ford. We mourn the passing of a courageous leader, a true gentleman, and a loving … Read more

President Bush: We’re not going to let it happen

While President Bush is likely to have been removed from most Americans’ Christmas card list this year, he still gets my support for his basic handling of the new world war. While I vehemently fault him and his administration for failing to make every attempt at getting Americans to understand the extent of the threat … Read more

Dear Santa. All I want for Christmas is some “pre-emption”. And some ammo…

Put me on this guy’s Christmas card list… WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 /U.S. Newswire/ — An armed sleigh-borne Santa Claus zeroes in on Iranian and North Korean nuclear missiles in a postal Christmas card sent this month to government officials and others. . John M. Snyder mailed the cards to the president, vice president, Cabinet and … Read more

Barbarians at the gate…

Here they come- like a host of zombies appearing over the horizon… it’s the (gasp!) PROGRESSIVES. They’re comin’ for me. They’re comin’ for you. Well, maybe not. But it sure looks like they’re comin’ for our wallets anyway. . Yesterday, many of the groups that purport to comprise the so-called "progressives" gathered together to build … Read more

GraniteGrok Analysis: Democratic Presidential Wannabees. A NH conservative’s point of view.

As I’ve previously mentioned, the GraniteGrok bunker is located at a secret location deep in the mountains of Central New Hampshire. Given that our fine state is the home of the "almost first in the nation" presidential nominating vote, residents get a front row seat to the machinations of the various presidential campaigns as they … Read more

President Bush talks Iraq on the radio this week.

In this week’s radio address, President Bush discusses his meeting with the leader of Iraq: THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I returned home this week from a visit to the Middle East. On my trip, I met with Prime Minister Maliki of Iraq to discuss how we can improve the situation on the ground in his … Read more

President finds solace… far away from home.

Historically, when a President finds himself in trouble, he hops a plane and heads out of the country. No matter how bad things may be politically in the homeland, a President can always find the stature and respect the office brings when travelling abroad. President Bush is this week availing himself of this consolation, travelling … Read more

What!? Global warming caused by NATURE? And all this time I thought George Bush and Ronald Reagan caused it!

The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) has released a new book debunking the notion that global warming is caused by human activity… DALLAS (November 16, 2006) – Human activities have little to do with the Earth’s current warming trend, according to a new book by Denis Avery and Fred Singer, Adjunct Scholars with the … Read more

Some words from McCain worth pondering.

I don’t even know what to think anymore when John McCain… yes, THAT John McCain, seemingly sets the tone and points the path that the repudiated Republicans MUST take if they are to regain a place at the helm of government. . Senator McCain prepared some words for delivery to the Federalist Society. My favorite … Read more

Constitutional rights for terrorists, but not law-abiding gun owners.

This is rather interesting: DALLAS, Nov. 15 /U.S. Newswire/ — A United States citizen who now lives in Great Britain has joined with the country’s leading gun owner rights organization in a federal lawsuit that says nonresident citizens are unfairly being targeted by existing laws that restrict gun ownership to those who live in the … Read more

The American Soldier. Veterans Day

As the world becomes a smaller and more dangerous place, and war has appeared on our soil, it might seem that things have never been worse. As war in Iraq looms on the horizon, and the shrill shouts and slogans of the micro-minority “peaceniks” fill the TV screens of the nightly news, it does one … Read more

The devil you know… Consider the “big picture”. Vote Republican Tuesday.

Other than the NH Governor’s Executive Council race, I will be voting for Republicans across the board. Is it because they’ve done great things lately? Of course not, because they haven’t. At the state level, while the majority Republicans once again dithered away the chance to enact a constitutional amendment to keep the courts out … Read more

Angling for Bass…

Our friend Liz Mair at informs us that their "Candidate of the Week" is NH’s congressman from the 2nd Congressional district, Charles Bass. . With control of both houses of the federal legislative branches hanging in the balance, all of the closely contested elected positions are being carefully scrutinized by all. The Bass/Hodes race has … Read more

Diversity Week at URI. “Celebrating the values of diversity & multiculturalism.” Values?

With the oldest offspring in her senior year of high school, the spectre of choosing a college and sending her away from the nest looms large. While I did not attend, I have a number of friends who went to the University of Rhode Island (URI). That, combined with the fact that I am originally from … Read more

Bush tells his side. Weekly radio address.

I’m with the president on this… THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Today I want to talk to you about a matter of national security that has been in the news — the National Intelligence Estimate on terrorism. The NIE is a classified document that analyzes the threat we face from terrorists and extremists. Parts of this … Read more

Kissinger: “War of Civilizations”

Henry Kissinger- people either like him, or hate him. My Dad can’t stand him and has long blamed the oil mess we’ve been in since 1973 on "that rat Kissinger." I’m not sure whether I agree with Dad on that one, but I guess I must say I’ve long wondered about the enigmatic Henry Kissinger. … Read more

“Islamists Riot in Rage at ( fill in blank )”

Another day. Another "outrage." The never-ending indignation of the always "insulted" Muslim street continues apace. Day after day come the headlines and scrolling kyrons at the bottom of the news TV screens. By now, they are completely ubiquitous and part of the "background" like so much white noise. You’ve all seen them: "Islamists riot in … Read more