I guess it isn’t just the NH GOP that sucks

From my friend and loyal reader (emphasis mine): Skip – thought you’d appreciate the irony. After OH voters rejected marijuana on the Nov ballot, our Republican legislature passed it anyway – too much money at stake. If you’re rich enough and can grow in large qtys, you can apply for a license.  Still illegal for … Read more

Why SHOULD Society keep mitigating bad consequences from bad decisions?

I’ve been saying it for years – the goal of Progressives is to make sure that someone making bad decisions should not suffer the consequences for doing so.  Further, we’re all hateful heartless people because we complain about the socialization of those costs.  But that’s what the Nanny State demands: SHUT UP! First a dose … Read more

Kathleen Reardon is spinning and spinning HARD. Ignore her words.

This piece in the Concord Monitor had me scratching my head after I’ve been writing, for YEARS, about how former charities dependent on the kindness of the general public for funding and now have all become captured entities  of government at all levels because they almost can’t exist without sucking at the teat of the … Read more

Mike Sylvia – HB 614: No Hardship for NH Law Enforcement

by Mike Sylvia This Thursday, May 11, HB614 goes to the New Hampshire Senate floor. We received a bad recommendation from the judiciary committee with a vote of 4-1 to kill the bill. Let’s all push the message on social media, in the press, and our email lists. We can overturn the recommendation by refuting … Read more

The Arrogance of Blue America

From the Daily Beast, Joel Kotkin looks at the arrogance of Blue America. It’s not pretty for them, but it is hilarious for us, and–I am required to say this–we knew this, and we told you so. Here’s but one juicy paragraph. The fondest hope among the blue bourgeoise lies with the demographic eclipse of their … Read more

Full-Day Kindergarten: NH Republicans have lost their minds

Yesterday, the House Education Committee passed a ridiculous full-day kindergarten bill that actually increased the amount Governor Sununu wanted to spend from $9 million per year to over $14 million per year. The amendment was brought forth by ‘Republican’ Terry Wolf and replaces Senate Bill 191 (SB 191) completely. The amendment is actually House Bill … Read more

Dumbest Tweets of the Week

Dumbest tweets of the week and it’s only Monday Everyday babies are born addicted to opioids – investing in their future with #FullDayK will help change the direction of their future! https://t.co/uyR0AGgNMB — Mayor Ted Gatsas (@MayorTedGatsas) April 24, 2017 ICYMI: NH Police Chief advocates for #FullDayK to end opioid epidemic and prevent future crime … Read more

And I thought EMTALA, Obamacare, and Medicaid Expansion was supposed to “fix” this?

But as always, “mo’ money, mo’ money, mo’ money” is needed when two simple letters strung together would suffice (but that would require self-control and self-responsibility; two former ideals that were considered to be virtuous in our pre-Progressive past).  From an article titled “Amid gonorrhea outbreak, health officials urge for thorough STD screenings”, the Concord … Read more

Could Full Day Kindergarten in New Hampshire Cure Athlete’s Foot?

The push to pass full-day kindergarten in New Hampshire might cure athlete’s foot. Toenail fungus? Why not? Advocates have come out suggesting it will help end the opioid crisis and solve the brain-drain problem–by keeping students from leaving the state after they graduate. Could it begin to heal the earth, stop the seas from rising? Is … Read more

Opiate Addiction Crisis: yes, Stunning. And Medicaid is responsible???

Given that NH has one of the worst outbreaks of this in the country, this “Morning Jolt” from National Review caught my eye.  Reproduced here in its entirety with emphasis mine: How You Helped Pay for America’s Opioid Addiction Crisis A stunning detail from Nicholas Eberstadt’s opus in Commentary, revealing how the national opioid addiction … Read more

NH bureaucrats now want to HURT your pets with the Drug Database

Yesterday it was reported in the Union Leader that the bureaucrats making the rules for New Hampshire’s “druggie database” now want to require Veterinarians to not only add certain medications for pets into the database but they want to require vets to look up the human owners of said pets to check on THEIR information … Read more

Avard questions $3.7 million in unspent funds for DD-waitlist in FY ‘16

Concord, NH – Today, Senator Kevin Avard (R-Nashua) issued the following statement after learning there are $3.7 million in unspent funds for Developmental Disabilities Waitlist in FY 16, with 166 citizens still waiting for services according to the latest dashboard issued in July. This information came to light as part of the Agency Requests submitted … Read more

Hassan Signs Off On Asset Forfeiture Reform But Never Admits It.

People are getting excited (with good reason) that Democrat Governor Hassan signed criminal asset forfeiture reform in New Hampshire, (Forbes) New Hampshire became the latest state to roll back civil forfeiture, which allows law enforcement to seize and keep property without ever filing criminal charges. Under legislation signed by Gov. Maggie Hassan on Friday, the … Read more

Addiction in New Hampshire

We continue with Frank Edelblut, candidate for Governor, on the “opioid crisis,” solutions without more bureaucracy, and New Hampshire’s other addiction problem…Federal money. Download this segment |  Complete podcast  

Addiction in New Hampshire

We continue with Frank Edelblut, candidate for Governor, on the “opioid crisis,” solutions without more bureaucracy, and New Hampshire’s other addiction problem…Federal money.