Could Full Day Kindergarten in New Hampshire Cure Athlete’s Foot?

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The push to pass full-day kindergarten in New Hampshire might cure athlete’s foot. Toenail fungus? Why not? Advocates have come out suggesting it will help end the opioid crisis and solve the brain-drain problem–by keeping students from leaving the state after they graduate. Could it begin to heal the earth, stop the seas from rising? Is this the kindergarten “we’ve been waiting for“?

To honestly answer the question, what does full-day kindergarten do for New Hampshire, you have to forget about the children because most of them aren’t ready for half-day kindergarten. You have to ask, what do adults get? What do politicians, unions, educrats, get? And if they get it, what’s next? 

The odds are better than good that full-day kindergarten has nothing to do with what is best for children, or the opioid crisis, or brain-drain, or anything else. Like all progressive agenda items, this is a box that must be checked to get to the next link in whatever chain is being forged with the minds of our children. It is a bullet item on the social engineering punch list.

One thing full-day kindergarten will do is tell us who among the so-called Republicans in the state are willing to once again do the heavy lifting for the minority Democrat party by passing their agenda for them.

The “Republican” majority New Hampshire House should kill full day kindergarten, and not just because Democrats want it. It’s not for the children. It never was.


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