I guess it isn’t just the NH GOP that sucks

by Skip

From my friend and loyal reader (emphasis mine):

Skip – thought you’d appreciate the irony.

After OH voters rejected marijuana on the Nov ballot, our Republican legislature passed it anyway – too much money at stake.

If you’re rich enough and can grow in large qtys, you can apply for a license.  Still illegal for homeowners to grow a few plants, and no chance for small investors to buy in.  My opinion is, if the big guys can do it, then so can the little guys.  I can only hope Pablo brings the just desserts.

and the punch line …

I just laughed when I read the next two lines – and then went silent and just shook my head in despair:

We have a huge opioid issue, so we’re gonna fund it with revenue from marijuana?

That’s like saying we have a syphilis problem, so let’s legalize prostitution.

Not likely.  Local cities are begging for a tax raise to increase funding for emergency services.  Middletown has already blown its annual budget on just narcan, and has no money left for any other emergency services.  Which is why they just proposed 3 strikes and you’re out.  So, we’ll revive you twice, but not the 3rd time.

Seems to be a rampant thing – GOP elected officials kicking to the curb those that brung them to the dance (eg., Medicaid Expansion by the NH GOP).  Then engaging in yet more Crony Capitalism. So why vote for them?  I certainly can’t figure out why when these kinds of examples keep slapping us in the face.

But the Middletown post I put up is the horror story, writ small, that is single payer system.  No matter the format, it is unsustainable.  Thus far, EVERY State that has attempted or even looked at it has rejected. Even in this one small issue of healthcare, keeping alive those that put themselves squarely into Death’s Door, a governmental entity can’t even afford it.

Yet, it seems, that while it fails at the local and State level, Democrats TRULY believe that THEY are the ones that can pull this off at a national level.

They’ll fail – but they’ll first take all our money.

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