To the Special Committee on Voter Confidence:

by Joseph Mirzoeff
The name of your committee is amusing.  We don’t need voter confidence, we need election integrity, then voter confidence would take care of itself.  The focus on “confidence” suggests that the powers that be want us to  believe elections to be  fair, though they do not actually want them to be so.

Before the 2020 election, I wrote in a  letter published in the Keene Sentinel, saying: “Both major parties cheat in elections. New Hampshire should spot-check the Democratic Party 2020 primary machine counts. ‘Democracy Lost: a Report on the Fatally Flawed 2016 Democratic Primaries’ is an informative read (free online) — please note the executive summary and the tables on pages 39-40.”
I hope the members of the committee read at least those two parts. It is clear that Hillary Clinton cheated Bernie  Sanders in 10 to 12 primaries because of the size of disparities from exit polls.  In Iowa in 2020, we had the cheating app that changed the uploaded vote counts and cheated Bernie again, giving the win to Buttigieg.
Almost 20 years ago, I saw, perhaps on CSPAN, testimony from a programmer who said he had worked for a former Congressman from Ohio who thought vote counting machines would be a great business.  The programmer said he programmed the machines to cheat and that the company name was Diebold.  New Hampshire machines have Diebold in their corporate history.
Republicans tend to disenfranchise or block eligible voters, Democrats tend to create eligibility where there is none.
Please also consider two recent articles, compared to the “nothing to see here” testimony we heard yesterday:
This Granitegrok article discusses other election integrity issues as well: We’ve Got Another Case of Thumb Drives Flipping Votes in an Election.
Too few states have made reform efforts. I would suggest the following reforms for NH:
Facilitate ballot access to at least four parties.  It could be the top four in the latest Presidential election.  Alternatively, we could use a 1% rule to replace the current 4% rule.   According to Gallup, the plurality is independent 41% to 28% Republican and 29%, Democrat.  Look at the Democratic primary ballot – so few choices, Dr.Sherman and Kuster running unopposed.  The public wants recourse, not more control.
Conduct exit polls and follow-up.
Spot-check the machine counts, and recount maybe 5% of them.  Some checks should be random, with others having specific indicators like complaints or large disparities from last time, or disparities from the exit polls…  and some checks could be by subjective judgment of current election peculiarities.
What’s with Congress’s reelection rate as compared to its approval rate?  Maybe reducing the advantages of incumbency would help.
In New Hampshire we take defacing or removing election signs seriously. We let election mischief by the entrenched and elite slide.  We need to see justice as well as reform.
“Voter Confidence” is a propaganda term, like “Vaccine Hesitancy,” each meant to bridge the gap between dishonesty and acceptance.  Consider also “The Big Lie” and “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.”
I am running for State Representative in Cheshire District 15.


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