Sherm Packard, Kim Rice, and Parental Rights

by Skip

In each of the last few sessions, Democrats get incensed by the idea that “We do not co-parent with the Government!” Support for Parental Rights legislation is an “IN YOUR FACE” rebuttal to the idea that “It takes a village” is part of the Sacred Texts of The Collective – with ITS nuance that we are ALL responsible for “the children” and not just parents. And, of course, Democrats HAVE to take it to the next level of stupidity with “Yes, that means Government – and Government’s schools.”

Responsibility (who is SUPPOSED to be in charge: owned and property) is “nuanced” with regard to who is to be in charge of these little barbarians that are to be molded into citizens of a (still mostly) free Republic.

One of NH Speaker of the House, Sherm Packard’s (R) “missions” this session is to pass a Parental Rights bill . Given that he has a large enough majority to easily outweigh the RINOs (like Mike Bordes of Laconia/Belknap County) who helped Democrats kill the bill each time it came up), what has he done to strengthen his hand?

On Organization Day earlier this month, Rep. Kim Rice, R-Hudson, intended to oppose Packard but, at the last minute, she endorsed him.

Rice got a seat on the House Children and Family Law Committee, a panel she had chaired until she decided in 2022 to take two years off.

He put one of the most anti-parental rights-bill Republicans BACK on the House Children and Family Law Committee. I remember testifying FOR one of those bills. When I stood up to testify, the look on her face was something to behold. If I’d had one ready, she could have been covered with a fire blanket; she was smoldering that much. It was clear, being the Chair at the time, it wasn’t going to pass.

And now, Sherm has put her where she can do the most harm. Why didn’t he put her on the Legislative Administration Committee like Len Turcotte? They BOTH challenged Sherm’s will on this and campaigned to unseat him. So why shove Turcotte into the wilderness but not Rice?

Unless he plans on further “politically disemboweling” her later on to make an object lesson of her if she wanders from his pasture?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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