For the second year in a row, NH Rep. Mike Bordes is the prime sponsor of a bill banning cat declawing, HB201.
Related: NH Rep Mike Bordes Wants to Protect Cats but Not Babies
Rep. Bordes defended the bill to The Concord Monitor:
If your child draws with a crayon on the wall, are you going to chop their finger off? I think it’s a weak place for reasoning. If you worry about a cat scratching your furniture, you probably shouldn’t have a cat in the first place.
Rep. Bordes is also a co-sponsor of HB152, “prohibiting the sale and use of adhesive-based rodent traps.” Protecting pets is one thing but he wants to protect vermin, too.
Rep. Bordes is infamous for being one of the Bloodthirsty Sixteen, Republican reps who voted to strip the penalties from the Fetal Life Protection Act which protects healthy babies from being aborted after 24 weeks gestation.
Babies who are killed in late-term abortions do not get anesthesia and they are killed painfully. Does Rep. Bordes not care about their pain? Are babies less important than pets and vermin? Learn about gruesome third-trimester abortions at
In November, Rep. Bordes was re-elected for two more years. I don’t know what it will take to wake up Laconia residents to how screwed up his priorities have been. I hope he learned a lesson and won’t continue making awful votes.