It seems that the State has decided that they need to move mental and medical clinics into your child’s school. Why even parent your children? It appears as if the State, in conjunction with school officials, will happily take over your job. There is no need to take your child to see their doctor during school time; the government-controlled clinic is there to provide those services now.
The NH Department of Health and Human Services claims that children need these services:

Seacoast Online reported back in 2022 that there has been a rise in youth mental health needs and a drop in medical checkups. That’s code for, bring in the State to parent your children.
I guess we are supposed to ignore how the public schools have contributed to the mental health problems children face in schools today:
1) Students are issued Chromebooks that give all children access to social media- – one of the biggest contributors to mental health problems in children.
2) Classrooms have become chaotic when outside grants, and academic programs require students to learn in a groups vs. a teacher centered classroom. This will contribute to an increase in behavior problems.
3) Cultural issues have become part of the school day. We now have children questioning their gender instead of practicing long division.
4) Behavior problems have become mental health issues. Consequences have become chats with school counselors and group therapy instead of measures that discourage the child from continuing the behavior.
5) Children are exposed to pornographic books they can now access in school. School administrators ignore that this is considered child sexual abuse, and allow it to continue.
Yes, behavior has become a big issue in public schools because structure and discipline has been replaced with chaos. If you add in poor parenting, it’s a recipe for failure.
Can you imagine a child with ADD or ADHD trying to navigate this? The classroom is full of chaos, and then political operatives try force more kids into this chaos at an earlier age with full-day Kindergarten and universal Pre-school. There are studies that show kids going to school later reduces ADD and ADHD, but that goes ignored by the social services experts who cannot wait to make sure these kids are thrown into chaos at an earlier age.
The Government has never been a good replacement for parents. Children should come to school, feel safe, and learn. Instead it’s become a place to push radical political agendas on children, allow predators to access them, and full of chaos.
If the schools are going to create the mental health problems, should they be tasked with fixing them?