Happy Rand Paul Day to Everyone But Peter Petrigno

by Julie Smith

With Rand Paul’s birthday coming up on January 7, the day before the New Hampshire House meets next, it’s a good time to call attention to someone exactly 9 years older and perhaps the polar opposite.  He’s a very nasty loudmouth rep from a purple town, and this article serves to better acquaint freshman reps, incoming committee members, and the Milford citizenry with Democrat Peter Petrigno.

To some Granite Staters, especially victims of DSS and family courts and those who read articles by Claire Best, the words “family law” can really hit a nerve.  Let’s say that nearly all government bodies and agencies in that purview are in serious disarray.  Petrigno is a member of the House Children and Family Law committee, and one should ask why someone like him would be allowed on such a committee.  In fact, the Speaker should be greeted with a “shame on you,” with the same passion often used by former Rep Maria Perez for allowing a 2nd term of his membership.  He’s against parental rights, so much so that he took to the mic on 4/18/23 to oppose SB 272.  An arrogant rep, he pushed back against Chairman Ladd when told his time was up because he thought he was entitled to unlimited mic time to rant the enemy camp talking points.  While waiting in Reps Hall for my turn to speak, the part of his screed that I remember most is the following quote:

“No one has the right to compel anyone else to do anything against their will.”

Similarly, his campaign home page has the following words:

“…nobody has the right to force their beliefs on others or dictate how they are to live their lives.”

But what about all the people who wanted to live their lives in peace, choosing to breathe fresh air during COVID-19?  He wasn’t beating that drum on 5/14/20 when he signed a group letter to the Damn Emperor demanding that the whole state be muzzled.  How quickly some might forget!  Not me.

He is also an interloper.  In the picture above (from 2023), he is holding a Ben Ming sign in the Hollis parade.  While it’s not uncommon for higher office candidates to enlist out-of-towners in local parades, one should note that this was several months before then-Rep Ming announced his senate candidacy.  Petrigno obviously has delusions of grandeur, fancying himself as relevant as Colin Booth, Ray Buckley, and Wilhelm as he marched with them.  Note that many of them are looking at the camera with Petrigno, who is also zealously waving.  Petrigno and Ming are two peas in the same commie anti-family pod and there’s plenty of social media evidence available to platform users.

Being a shill for teachers’ unions, Petrigno has taken the wrong side of many flagship issues over the years, including banning CRT, but that’s just par for the course with members of the enemy camp.  I used the word NASTY to describe him in my introduction, and my first exposure to his nastiness was in the days immediately following the 10/13/21 executive council arrests.  

A Liberty Block survey was sent to all 424 members of the 2021 legislature, which included Petrigno.  I’ve been unable to retrieve a copy of it, but it had to do with what the members thought was the most appropriate response to the Damn Emperor’s behavior on 10/13/21.  There was a spectrum of multiple-choice answers from serious disciplinary action down to ignoring it, but there was a comment field that a small handful of reps populated.  The whole Senate ignored the survey, as did most of the House, so close attention was paid to the few reps whose answers appeared in the updated spreadsheet.  Petrigno’s comments were viciously hostile, implying that the victims deserved their arrests.

A year later, it was election season, and several good freshmen reps, including Nikki McCarter, were elected.  2022 was my first and only Organization Day spent in the state house, and I learned some new things that are common knowledge to the seasoned people.  One of those things was that the enemy camp commandeers the dining room, making it unavailable to private citizens wanting a place to sit down to consume their cafeteria fare.  “Clegg’s favorite table” near the cafeteria entrance was available, so I grabbed it and stayed there all day. 

Petrigno, who was easily recognizable from his picture, was sitting at the only other table, less than 6′ away (remember, he’s a covidiot).  Nikki McCarter arrived and joined me. Then Barbara Comtois arrived, and they both got into the chow line.  Meanwhile, some new arrivals joined me at my table before Nikki and Barbara returned, making it really crowded for two more people.  They were about to sit with Petrigno when I whispered to Nikki that I would make room for them at my table.  Petrigno, observing their abandonment of plans to sit with him, made some comment that I don’t remember well enough to quote.  However, it was snarky.  I pointed out to Nikki and Barbara who he was and what he said about the arrest victims, and they were seemingly grateful to be steered away from him.

“Why am I writing this article?” 

You might be asking that, and I’ll give you a two-part answer.  Part one concerns the Art of War, which says, “Know your enemy.”  Petrigno is almost everyone’s enemy.  He’s an enemy of parents, kids, students, families, taxpayers, medical freedom, and transparency.  Yeah, he’s also an enemy of 91A, which should be no surprise, but let’s get to the other part, which is for the Milford locals.  Milford has good people, like Gary Daniels and Vanessa Sheehan, so it doesn’t have to be a purple town.  They were able to get rid of Petrigno’s kindred spirit, Maria “loca en la cabeza” Perez, simply by her decision to retire.  Petrigno is turning 71.  Constituents should convince him to retire, too.


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