The Good Sports and the Sore Loser

Julie Smith

The primary results are in, the Unity Breakfast came and went, and it’s onward to November.  The OTHER district “made nice” and one of the people that I hoped would win that race, Hollie, made this tweet with a group picture of all the viable candidates. 

One of her fellow losing candidates, whom I would have been equally happy with winning, was Alderman Joe Kelly Levasseur. He reprimanded the sore loser in our district for his absence at the Unity Breakfast. Thank you, Alderman!

Lily Tang Williams, who I voted for and who won her primary, had a crowded race, but only two opponents were viable candidates. Hamlen wasted no time in congratulating her, offering his services as a new team member, and being seen shaking her hand at the Unity Breakfast.  While Vikram “made the late night phone call” to Lily, albeit clearly insincere, he was nowhere to be found at the Unity Breakfast. 

Kudos to Kevin Landrigan for tweeting that observation.  Rumor was that he had a scheduling conflict.  If that was really true, would he have had one if he was the winner?  Why didn’t he ask Chris Ager to say a few prepared words from the podium, like “Vikram sends his regrets for his absence and wishes Lily and all the other winners all the best in November?”  Crickets.  At least he took down his attack site on Lily approximately 24 hours after the numbers were in and after being reprimanded by at least one rep that I know of via text.  To that out-of-district rep, I say thanks. 

While the attack site is down, it now has a front page that says “coming soon,” and it’s unclear whether he plans to sell the domain to Maggie Goodlander. Since Goodlander has unlimited resources from places far from NH at her disposal, now would be a good time to ask readers to show Lily some love.

Back to Hamlen, I want to praise him once again for being a team player who said, “Doing the right thing sure feels good” and made the appropriate concession tweet.

You might ask why it matters.  Aside from being seen practicing good character in public, it’s a no-brainer if you plan to run for an up-ballot office in the future and there’s a senatorial election in 2 years.  Is that time enough to forget?  Not for me.


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