With a nod to Marxism’s goal of breaking everything, trust in public health, hospitals, and medicine is at an all-time low. The response to SARS CoV2 fractured public confidence, and while there’s room for a discussion about whether that was the point or just a helpful artifact, that ship has sailed. The triad of hospitals, health insurance, and big pharma turned honest doctors into villains and made everyone else an accessory.
The great COVID experiment also heightened awareness. The government will get between you and your doctors, and employers and the stores and restaurants you favor, and all of you will like it. All driven by the assumption that public health trumps all – while refusing to accept responsibility for the damage caused. But Louisiana is taking a step back.
“Government should admit the limitations of its role in people’s lives and pull back its tentacles from the practice of medicine,” Abraham said, noting that he wants to regain the “public trust” by “acknowledging past missteps, refocusing on unbiased data collection, and providing transparent, balanced information for people to make their own health decisions.”
Ralph Abraham is the state’s Surgeon General, and he has “ordered his staff to stop engaging in media campaigns and community health fairs to encourage vaccinations...” The state will continue to provide stock vaccines but “stressed that healthcare providers talk about the benefits and risks posed by vaccines with patients and answer all questions based on scientific evidence.“
The Bayou state is stepping back from the traditional full-court press of government to mandate any mass vaccination. And maybe that is a convenient side effect of some greater global agenda. At this point, anything is possible. But if RFKJ can get the sort of rigorous testing, safety, and surveillance of vaccines he has promised to deliver – along with more accountability and transparency form the regulators tasked with protecting the public from both government and private sector “public health,” parents and patients alike would have the sort of truly informed consent necessary to make real choices about their health and that of their children.
Returning the government’s role to that of a watchdog rather than a dictator could go a long way toward restoring faith in the health system.