The same people on the Left who have been denying the Holocaust and turning against Israel are now openly comparing the President of the United States and his actions as Fascist, Hitler-like, and promising to take to the streets and fight back against this evil, dangerous man before he goes any further. These disillusioned people, both migrants and citizens, are comparing the Gitmo Deportation Holding Camp to the concentration camps of Auschwitz and Dachau. They are equating the deportation of illegal aliens with the extermination of Poles and Jews.
On the surface, this is a product of our contortion of history taught to today’s students. Dig deeper, and it is a product of the indoctrination of these students. Americans and Mexicans shut down Los Angeles highways on Sunday. They were waving the Mexican flag as they burned the Stars and Stripes. It was a despicable display of anti-America fueled by Left-wing, radical rhetoric.
As I previously documented, these protests are instigated by the comments of Democrat leaders like Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, and Maxine Watters. Waters was the first to call for taking to the streets and confronting Republicans wherever they were encountered. Jeffries echoed Waters last week almost verbatim. It was as irresponsible the second time as Watters was the first. Schumer made his volatile comments on the steps of the Supreme Court when he threatened the Conservative members of the bench after the repeal of Roe V. Wade.
The scenes shown by legacy TV over the weekend are undoubtedly dramatic, but nobody on those networks points out the erroneous basis for the protests. The action of the new is not an extermination but a purging and deportation of gang members and criminals who have been traumatizing our neighborhoods. These deplorable individuals are not what you want when you look to bring in people from other countries.
It did not help the cause when we had Joe Biden and Kamala Harris referring to Donald Trump and anyone who follows him as Fascist and that he was campaigning on Hitler-like policies. They could not back up these statements, but that did not stop the Legacy media from echoing the lines. The American people can be simplistic and easily led, and half the country feeds off the legacy media rhetoric. The more Rachel Maddow and Joe Scarborough sound to us, the more it stokes the Left, especially the younger segment. Telling them to take it to the streets is all the incentive they need. That is how well trained they are.
When Elon Musk shut down USAID this weekend and it was placed under the Department of State receivership, it brought out the Squad. How can anyone shut down Sesame Street for Afghanistan or Athiest training for Nepal? These are essential programs in the Democrat playbook. The coup de grace was the DNC dipping into the progressive cesspool of Minnesota for their new Chairman. The convention was dancing, singing, pronouns, misogyny, and, of course, racism. Sound like a familiar playbook? That’s because it is the only play they have.