Hakeem Jeffries Is Not Fit To Lead

by Ray Cardello

Hakeem Jeffries has shown his true colors. Jeffries constantly teeters from radical to mainstream, and many think of him as the Party’s future leader once Schumer and Pelosi give up the reins. If what he said this week is any indication, his leadership role should be questioned, and this is further evidence of the disheveled state of the Democrat Party.

Like Schumer and Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) before him, Hakeem Jeffries stepped over the line and called on Democrats to take to the streets and fight against Donald Trump, his policies, and his supporters. His comments were reminiscent of Maxine Water’s comments from a few years ago, when in 2018, she encouraged her supporters to fight back against the Trump administration amid backlash over the White House’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy. 

“Let’s make sure we show up whenever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcomed anymore, anywhere,” Waters told supporters at a Los Angeles protest.

From FOX News Online: The Democratic leader made the controversial remarks when asked about Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ lack of pushback against Trump, and whether it made him a “good fit” to lead the Big Apple. 

“Right now, we’re going to keep focus on the need to look out for everyday New Yorkers and everyday Americans who are under assault by an extreme MAGA Republican agenda that is trying to cut taxes for billionaires, donors, and wealthy corporations and then stick New Yorkers and working-class Americans across the country with the bill,” Jeffries said. 

“That’s not acceptable. We are going to fight it legislatively. We are going to fight it in the courts. We’re going to fight it in the streets.”

The Democrats are not interested in progress or making Americans prosperous. Prosperous people do not need the government or people who profess to be for the people. The days of the Democrats being the Party of the people are gone. That ship has sailed. They are not even the Party of the rich. They are the Party of causes such as LGBTQ+, BLM, Green Energy, and don’t forget Climate Change. They have lost their way and now only know anger and dissent. They have abandoned any connection to common sense. This week, 206 of 208 Democrats voted against protecting girls in female sports. It is more important to them to protect transgenders than our daughters. They are despicable human beings who have lost touch with reality, and they will continue to pay the price in elections.

Whether it is Chuck Schumer calling for violence against conservative Supreme Court Justices, Maxine Waters calling for violence against any Republican, or Hakeem Jeffries calling for Democrats to take to the streets to battle Republicans, they have all lost their way and any semblance of credibility.


  • As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Ray started his website, Conservative View from New Hampshire, in January 2021 and publishes an article daily. He has published over 1,500 articles, is syndicated on 15 websites, and has published on over 65 sites. Ray has recently added Bear Pond Conservative Chronicles to his site to address specific issues of Maine, his second home. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media. He believes that sites like Granite Grok are the way to offset Left Wing propaganda and politicians’ gaslighting.

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