Prosecuting the Genocidal Criminal Anthony Fauci

by Kensley Vitoria

The coronavirus project that rolled out in 2020 was something that many prescient political observers had seen coming. It was an event that reshaped the world and provided, in the words of Klaus Schwab, a great reset for the planetary agenda, for better or worse. We should call it what it was: a genocide.

This was a criminal event that requires accountability. At the global level, people in all countries were affected. There is one man who deserves all responsibility, as it was by his actions that the project was created and driven— that man is Anthony Fauci. 

No other person on the planet had such a hands-on connection with the bioweapons programs under research at facilities around the world. Fauci worked hand in glove with U.S. deep state agents in the Pentagon and the Washington bureaucracy, as well as with his counterparts in the United Kingdom and China. Other governments connected to his efforts through the World Health Organization’s network played along. 

All in all, the coronavirus project was a culmination of years of biowarfare research and practice that saw early stages of regional and national application in Hong Kong in 2002 and Saudi Arabia in 2012. These were widely known as the SARS and MERS epidemics. They were regionally contained effectively by national governments, to a large extent, although MERS spread frighteningly to South Korea and the Emirates before being contained. 

Fauci’s efforts to create a global plague were widely successful, and he managed to be the chief agent in the deaths of over 20 million people worldwide. That is genocide on a global scale, and there must be a reckoning. Fauci must be punished. There is an order on this planet, and nobody can escape such carnage. Fauci clearly led a campaign of deception and death with what, in hindsight, was an obvious intentionality. He knew what he was doing.

He was and remains a part of a group of people internationally who believe that the human population on the planet is too big and needs to be culled. There were signs of this coming cull in major mass media for several years leading up to 2020 that desensitized most people to the extent that there was little to no real resistance. On top of that was the political environment that elevated Fauci to a nationwide hero for people in the anti-Trump camp, which, in the closing months of 2019 and early 2020, was a large enough group to enable the coronavirus agenda effectively. 

These people who believe that immediate culling of humans is necessary are part of the transhumanist cult, many of whom manage to make it to the annual Davos meetings and infest the United Nations collective— that group of people who are well-connected enough to be hired into the global government, and who persist in staying within its ranks. 

Beyond persecution and indictment of the genocidal criminal Anthony Fauci, there must be a cleansing of these ranks in the global government. Others must be brought in, and there must be a rise of an alternative political movement within the population of humans who are wealthy and connected enough to take part in international governance. 

There are too many transhumanists who believe that humans are just cogs or pieces to be managed and who see other aspects as more valuable than humans. These people engage in self-deception that they are somehow better when they are simply normal humans who masquerade as human rights champions. They call themselves liberals, but they have become global fascists and authoritarians. There is nothing liberal about them except their liberal projection of their stupidity and idiocy and their liberal abuse of other humans’ rights and well-being. 

This collective of deluded people must be checked, and there is no better way to send a message to all of them that they were wrong and that they need to reflect deeply on a new and morally appropriate way forward than to publicly and severely punish their evil champion, Fauci.


  • Kensley Vitoria

    “Kensley is a proponent of freedom, virtue, intelligence, education, and justice. A teacher by trade, they enjoy writing about global politics, international economics and finance, and space exploration. Having attended Georgetown and Hong Kong Universities, they are happy to provide a unique perspective on world affairs.”

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