Political Trick or Treat

Michael Petruzziello

Every year at the end of October, goblins, ghouls, and ghosts haunt us with tricks or treats on Halloween.

This year, we also have a national election to select who will represent each state in Washington, DC. Every two years, members of the House and every six years, members of the Senate eerily materialize to their constituents during this Halloween voting season.

Like the Great Pumpkin, these politicians rise and return to their state pumpkin patches to try to trick voters into giving them another term in Washington.

Thanks to Michael Petruzziello for the op-ed | Send yours to steve@granitegrok.com

Much like Goblin’s, these politicians gobble up our tax dollars with an insatiable and gluttonous appetite. Then, they maliciously print unlimited deficit dollars to give to illegal migrants and foreign countries. 

They Ghoulishly insert their pet political pork projects into every bill they pass and then Ghost themselves whenever questions about responsibility or accountability arise.

Returning home with their coffers chock full of partisan dollars from Washington lobbyists, they pay print and media to tell scary stories about their political opponents.

They portray them as the boogie man, and then ask for your fearful vote. Scaring you into voting for them is their trick.

Wouldn’t it be a treat if they simply ran on their record? As they say, the proof is in the pumpkin pudding. Incumbents’ actions, not their words or promises, say everything.

Did they trick or treat us when it came to doing the things they promised us they would do two or more years ago?

Did they lower taxes? Did they lower food costs? Did they lower energy costs? Did they lower interest rates? Did they reduce the debt? Did they balance the budget? Did they even pass a budget? Did they fix our infrastructure? Did they reduce crime? Did they achieve peace?  Did they make us safer by closing the border to stop the flow of illegal migrants, terrorists, criminals, human traffickers, fentanyl, and other drugs into our country? 

If we’re being honest here, the answer is categorically no; we were tricked.  

So what has this congress and administration actually done for the American people these last two or more years?

Well, they recently passed a continuing, continuing resolution to keep funding our broke and broken government. A broken government they have no plan to fix, just more tricks.

They’re unable to work together to pass a budget. So they just turn to their annual trick of passing continuing resolutions. In fact, they haven’t passed a balanced budget since 2001.

They continue to spend and give away trillions of US taxpayer dollars without any conscience or constraint. 

Their refusal to address fiscal reality has allowed our out of control national debt, which is growing daily, to climb to well over thirty-five TRILLION dollars. No plan, just more tricks.

Have they used our taxpayer dollars to treat the American people to peace, prosperity and plenty? Again the answer is categorically no, we were tricked.

Did they use these borrowed billions to help American communities ravaged by storms or fire? Nope, tricked again.

Did they pour that money into infrastructure projects for the third time? No, more tricks. 

Instead, they sent billions of our tax dollars overseas to fund foreign wars that most Americans don’t want. Billions of treats for foreign countries, more tricks for the American people.

They happily give billions of dollars to transport, house, feed, care for, and fund illegal migrants. It’s a real treat for noncitizen lawbreakers but a huge and expensive trick on the law-abiding American people.

They’ve talked about comprehensive immigration reform for decades while leaving our borders wide open and the American people unprotected. It’s a very sick and very dangerous trick.

They have allowed our three letter governmental agencies to spy on, silence, intimidate, and attempt to control the American people. Yet, it is part of their job to oversee those very same agencies. 

Their response to these blatant attacks on personal freedom has been weak and cowardly. They have done nothing to rein in these out-of-control agencies who have been allowed to play treasonous tricks on the American people.  

This passivity has allowed Freedom of Speech, Justice is Blind, and Equal Justice Under Law to become empty slogans and just another trick played on the American people.   

If we keep electing these same ineffective people and expect them to treat us differently, we’re just tricking ourselves. 

No matter what treats they promise us, their actions are more akin to the Halloween trick repeatedly played on Charlie Brown.

Instead of treating us by fixing the problems they’ve promised to fix for decades, they continue to trick us with empty rhetoric rocks. 

So, let’s make this election cycle the year we stop being Charlie Brown. Let’s give them their trick rock back and cancel their treat of a return trip to Washington.


Michael Petruzziello


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