
Monday Monday, can’t trust that day!

Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought

2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes

3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.  


I am grateful and humbled that my attempts to organize the Left’s fervor for violence and assassination of President Trump caught the attention of Surak – good guy, very smart too – in a recent piece by him.

Read Nitzakhon: Incitement to violence (


Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin. 

*** Warning, definitely a few off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about *** 

None of us can save us on our own. But if we work together, we can – we’ve got to put aside our petty bickering. America – and the West in general – are on the edge of a knife. We cannot be so obsessed by ideological purity and 100% agreement on every single topic and issue that we forget Reagan’s dictum:


They will take everything that makes us, us. And then will tell us to BE HAPPY.

I keep getting asked, in discussions, for SOURCES? And when I provide the source, it shifts to CREDIBLE SOURCES. (in one discussion a couple of years ago, a pro-Jab person literally refused any information I had about the harms of the Jab because they didn’t appear in his “credible” news source list.) As in, they only believe the same enemedia that’s been lying the whole time. Consider the situation in the above meme – who, WHO cannot have noticed the drastic change in the price of, well, any grocery or regular item? Who, WHO cannot have seen the rise in gas prices, in rents, in insurance rates? It doesn’t take an article in the New York Times-Traitor or Washington Post-Fabricator, or broadcast news piece on the Communist News Network or National Progressive Radio, but merely to use personal observation.

Exactly. On abortion specifically, “birthing people” have a choice – several:

Abstain. Do everything but penetrate. Use birth control (not foolproof but if you use, for example, two different ones – e.g., condoms and vaginal foam/inserts – that’s pretty secure). But the stratospheric-levels of STD cases tell me that there is an awful lot of copulating going on without protection.

That’s on YOU, women.

What you’re really telling me is that your “right” to rut & and have orgasms without thought of consequences and then scrape out the inconvenient consequences is what your priority is.

This, and so many other things, are undoubtedly true. But IMHO this election comes down to three things. Kountess Kackula having both the “approved” melanin content and genitalia… and Orange Man Bad.

The “Deceased-American” demographic. In 2020’s aftermath I was reading about people registered and voting who, based on their birth year, were far older than the oldest recorded person alive.

They really do think of YOUR income as THEIR money, and they are the ones who decide how much of it you get to keep.

Correction: Won’t OPENLY try that again. They’re still committed, don’t doubt that.

I’ve said this before – several years ago I saw a video of a street-preaching Imam in Europe talking about how the future is theirs. Without hesitation, all the parents with small children held them up above their heads. They understand demographics.

HA HA! I’ve never been on facebook, only a month or so on twitter (and basically idle), and my LinkedIn profile is very new – having only rejoined because of my job search.

I can kind of understand why women born in this culture put up with it – it’s what they’ve known their whole lives. But why – WHY – would a woman convert… and continue walking down that path when these things become clear?

Amen! Though if you’re a male, alone, be very careful about approaching if there’s a need to approach.

But… but… but the Great Replacement is a myth. Our intellectual and moral superiors have assured us so.

At least once a day. More when I’m in a social setting. Almost minute-by-minute as I read libs on LinkedIn.

Not just politicians… ANYONE who supports open borders. Hell, do it 10-for-1.

Have to admit, I like that.

I never really did find ALF funny.



Democrats only care about votes – now and into the future. This is the Great Replacement written in the robberies, rapes, and murders of Americans.

How the Left Wins Elections by Transforming Nations – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at


My understanding is that the FBI are REQUIRED to identify themselves if asked, including – maybe? – showing their creds.

Brought to you by special agents MOTI ROLA and SAMMI SUNG.

After my wife moved here and got her SSN, etc., she immediately applied to get a job. Working in retail at a local mall, she told me she would feel nervous about Islamic women coming into the store wearing such robes.

“I am always afraid what weapons they might be hiding under there”.

Remember, at least nominally my wife is a Sunni.

Alinksy-grade ridicule.

As I try to shepherd my kids towards adulthood, one of the things I tell them as I give them more responsibility and drive them towards more initiative is that I AM NOT THEIR FRIEND. I AM THEIR PARENT. AND MY JOB IS TO MAKE SURE THEY’RE READY TO TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES AS AN ADULT WHEN THEY LEAVE THE HOUSE.

Remember, the Left takes care of its own.


Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):

We finally have proof that the Biden/Harris administration is truly treasonous:  They were directing the border patrol to cover up all the problems at the border being caused by their policies, and by doing that they caused direct harm to millions of Americans.  Will the DOJ do anything about it.  I seriously doubt it:

After Texas passed a law shutting down “gender-affirming” care for minors, the Texas Children’s Hospital declared that they would stop the practice.  However, the hospital actually continued doing it, but “under the radar”, hiding it by not writing anything down (no records).  A young surgeon took an ethical stance and blew the whistle on this.  However, instead of lauding him for doing the right thing, he’s now been indicted in federal court:

 A Doctor Told the Truth. The Feds Showed Up at His Door. | The Free Press (

N adds: Waaaay too much money in transing kids for them to give it up.

Big Surprise (NOT):  DIE doesn’t work.  Despite billions of dollars spent on hours and hours of training, people generally stick to their biases:

Despite Billions in Backing, Studies Show Diversity Trainings Just Aren’t Working – Tennessee Star

Regarding Green Dream follies:  Many of us engineers noted that if you put a bunch of large windmills in the same area, they would interfere with each other, changing the wind pattern and reducing the overall energy output.  Turns out we were right, as a study from Germany is now showing:

 German Professor: Wake Effect Decreases Wind Farm Efficiency, Contributes To Warming (

Here’s Kamala Harris openly stating that even if your gun is LEGAL, she thinks that the police can just come into your home (without a warrant) and check to make sure you have it stored responsibly.  Well, according to the 4th Amendment, no you don’t have that right:

Moonbattery Another Alarming Kamala Quote – Moonbattery

For those who are considering forming (or joining) a militia in your area, I STRONGLY recommend watching this video from the Epoch Times.  They lay out the legal framework that currently exists, and the legal issues surrounding militias.  If the states ever started cracking down on this, many people involved with a militia could be quickly arrested (maybe that’s why they haven’t done it yet; they are waiting until things get “sporty”):

For those Christians (and Jews) who think that they cannot vote for Trump because he is “divisive”, this is a powerful video (5 minutes):

It’s Coming, Be Ready | NC Renegades

Interestingly, even though the Teamsters Union’s internal polling shows that their rank & file want Trump (by almost a 2:1 margin), the Teamsters leadership has taken the cowards way out and refused to endorse EITHER candidate:

Teamsters’ Rank and File Favors Trump, but Union Announces ‘No Endorsement’ for President – PJ Media

Related:  The UAW is endorsing Trump:

UAW Workers: Harris Presents an Existential Threat to Automakers (

Regarding the 2nd attempt to assassinate Donald Trump:  A whistle blower has come forward with some interesting details.  Usually, the Secret Service does a perimeter check on the golf course before DJT arrives, and stations SS agents in the spots of known vulnerability.  However, on that day, they skipped the perimeter check and did NOT post anyone at the vulnerable spots.  Also, the gunman was holed up there (in what snipers call a “hide”) for 12 hours (maybe more).  How did he know DJT was coming to the golf course when it was NOT on the official schedule?

We Have Alarming Whistleblower Details on the Second Assassination Attempt on Trump – PJ Media

In the “rules are for thee, and not for me” department, the head of the Covid response team for New York City revealed that during Covid, when his rules were forcing everyone ELSE to stay indoors, not socialize, etc., HE was having drug-fueled sex parties.  Tell me again how “dangerous” Covid really was?:

JUST IN: Former NYC Mayor De Blasio’s COVID Czar Caught on Video Talking About Wild Sex and Drug Parties He and His Wife Hosted While He Locked Down Businesses and Shamed The Non-Vaccinated (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Patty McMurray

Speaking of Covid, watchdog groups are bemoaning that billions were spent, but most of it was either wasted or spent on fraudulent claims:

Billions Gone and Little to Show for It Years After Rampant COVID Fraud – Tennessee Star

Lastly, here is a useful prepper food preservation method:  Pressure canning meat:

I Ate Only Canned Meat for 6 Months and This Happened – Ask a Prepper


Pick of the post:

I look at this poor woman and ask how any human being with even a shred of a scintilla of a soul can look at these two pictures and continue to say “Safe and effective” and continue to recommend these Jabs. More on that case – heart-rending:

BREAKING: Forced to get 3 vaccines to receive medical care, 23-year-old Alexis Lorenze is now fighting for her life (

The videos should be required watching before anyone takes ANY vaccines. A safe vaccine cannot trigger a reaction like this.

Just 3 vaccines and 10 minutes later her life has changed dramatically.

Similarly, you have three bright, smiling, laughing kids who shut down after their Jabs, and you don’t start questioning?

And more on vaccines:

Pharmaceutical Giants Proclaim The ‘Golden Age Of Vaccines’ Are Here, Seeks To Replace Conventional Medicines With Vaccines –

As I understand it, many are mRNA. And one more on the Jab:

From memory, I remember Dr. McCollough saying that 50% of deaths post-Jab happen within two days after the shot, and 80% happen within a week (or so). But, per the two-week rule, they’re called “unvaccinated”.

As Surak noted to me via email, Steve Kirsch pointed out that if the shots were truly “safe” there would be no pattern. Deaths after the shots would be statistically flat. In closing, at least that poor girl’s case is getting attention:


Palate Cleansers:


Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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