Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow


It’s Friday!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition. Also, my last non-meme, non-link post – about the rhetoric coming from the Left about Trump:

Incitement to Violence – Granite Grok

*** Warning, definitely a few off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***

On that – digital enslavement coming. “For convenience”. “To fight crime”. “For the children”.

Towards an “Oppressive Digital New World Order”. UN “World for the Future” Conference. 22-23 September 2024. Borderless “Enslavement Package”, Digital Control over 8 Billion People – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization (bolding in original):

The debate or “negotiations” for this digital compact, officially take/s place on 20 and 21 September behind closed doors, during the UNGA, but the context had been discussed and agreed upon in several clandestine iterations, also called Revisions 2 and 3, which are published on the UN website for “The Summit of the Future”. See this.

Unfortunately, hardly anyone knows this page and even fewer read it. If people were better and more informed or would care to inform themselves, we might not stand before the digital abyss, as we do today.

I want to disagree with one thing. MOST people, probably still 80% or so, will say either “Oh that’s just not possible” or “You’re being paranoid”.


And while not the Pick of the Week, this resonated with me.


This weakening of Red states / Red areas is a long-term strategic plan. That’s OUR problem – to wit, we think in terms of the next election or the next few years at most. The Left? They’ve got a multi-decade plan, and they’re working that plan.

Ouch. Well, he’s never going to work in “mainstream” Hollyweird again.

In Islamic doctrine there is something called the PRINCIPLE OF ABROGATION, which basically means that when two commands / passages conflict, the one that is chronologically later is the one that takes precedence. Note that this is often used to fool kaffirs, e.g., talking about the “People of the Book” from early Islam in good and kind and complimentary terms, but then later – like when the Jews spurned Mohammed – those subsequent passages of raw hate of Jews take precedence.

Antisemitism in the Qur’an

Jew-Hate in the Muslim World

Islamic Jew-Hatred – a religious mandate

But they’ll still cite those earlier ones as “proof” Islam doesn’t hate Jews.

I continue to see people citing the mayor? chief of police? in Springfield OH and their statements that this is not happening… despite pictures, videos, and eye-witness testimony that it is. What this confirms, again, is that the vast majority of the sheeple Democrats will believe anything so long as it is presented on TV by “authority”.

To them I say – GO GET BOOSTED for Covid. Get the flu (mRNA) and monkeypox (mRNA) at the same time too, for convenience. But please – help them to work better. Take Choline (it’s a vitamin) for a month beforehand.

There’s good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.

The PLO was only formed in 1964; that’s when the “Palestinian” flag was invented. The switch is brilliant. The Narrative was switched from “plucky underdog Israel” against the huge Arab world, to “poor hapless ‘Palestinians’ against mighty Israel”. But see above – Muslims have Jew-hatred hard-coded into Islam itself. They didn’t need Soviet help to hate Jews; that help just gave them new weapons.

According to the World Bank’s last data, Haiti had over one million hectares of arable land. And a population approaching 12 million. Converting to acres, that’s 2.47 million acres. So that’s about .2 acres per person. Now, estimates vary on how much land is needed per person, but that’s not a lot. Still, factor in fishing, trade, and that all-year season… now I’m not going to do the math on, say, Singapore. But, somehow, they do seem to get people fed.

At this point it almost doesn’t matter what The People in any country want. Or, even, if the national governments want it. The supra-national powers will force it. I don’t want to say this, I really don’t – because I recognize where it leads, but TINVOWOOT.

One more time – I do not want the above to have to happen. But I fear in my gut that it will.

The modern version of “she asked for it dressing like that”…

OK, that is an extraordinary claim – of a financial and presumably informational connection between the two Trump attempted-assassins – requiring extraordinary proof. Still, intriguing if true. On the same topic:

Inquiring minds want to know. And:

Politicians create PERSONAL wealth for themselves by graft, etc., not SOCIETAL wealth that grows the pie.

OK, I admit it – I LOLed.

And the same guy as the above:

“Borders are fundamentally evil things that shouldn’t exist”. Sounds like he’s chain-played Lennon’s IMAGINE as his theme song.



A school teacher.


BTW, a really good book about Che:

Exposing the Real Che Guevara: And the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him

And Castro (same author):

Fidel: Hollywood’s Favorite Tyrant

My understanding is that with the advance of refined grain breeding – never mind GMO crap – the amount of gluten per grain has gone up substantially. Add in massive uses of pesticides…

I saw, but can’t find, a comparison of ingredients of common foods sold in both the US and UK. The amount of extra stuff in US foods vs. the UK version of the literal same product is astonishing. And stuff in vaccines:


These were explained away as “glitches”. OK. So where were the glitches in the other direction? And if these are acknowledged as such, were they ever resolved – i.e., in this instance Trump lost 19958 votes and The Potato gained them. Remember, voting SHOULD BE a purely additive process. So was this undone and the votes shifted from The Potato and back to Trump?

Cue crickets from every liberal I’ve asked. It’s not just that they don’t know… they don’t care to know.

Speaking of “concentration camp Gaza” and aid:

Is Gaza an ‘Open Air Concentration Camp’? (

If you’re buying PS-5 stations, things aren’t that bad.

It ONLY makes sense in the context of hating the natives and wanting them dead.

But… but… but the Great Replacement is a myth. Our intellectual and moral superiors have assured us so.

I came thiiiiiiiis close to going into the nuke school. In retrospect, perhaps I should have.

Surprisingly accurate.

Whether this or climate change or any perversion of science, a PhD or MD does not confer a greater morality or ethical sense. But what does astonish me is how many people think that because someone has an advanced degree, somehow they get turned into finer, and thus incorruptible, clay.

What was it some military guy said? (Attributed here, but apparently he didn’t originate it.) “I believe that forgiving them is God’s function. Our job is simply to arrange the meeting”. So, you and your son got what you wanted? And yet, you’re unhappy with that… speaking of martyrdom:

In their own words, they want death over life. Note – these are KIDS yearning for death as a martyr. And this mother wins “Mother of the Year”:

Mother of Hamas ‘Martyr’: May Jews’ Hearts Be Ripped Out | MEMRI

“I thank Allah for choosing me and honoring me through the martyrdom of my son, a commander in the Al-Qassam Brigades, Mus’ab Muhammad Abu Hajjaj. Gentlemen, Mus’ab was just like his father. The honor of martyrdom had been bestowed upon his father before him in the Battle of Al-Furqan [2008-2009 Gaza war]. Let me tell you something. I vowed that what was in my womb would be dedicated to Allah. I said: ‘My Lord, grant me a son, and grant him martyrdom for Your sake.’ And indeed, Allah accepted my vow. By Allah, I could talk for hours about Mus’ab. Who compares to him?

As I moved from climate alarmist to skeptic, this was one of the big forces for me – especially when I learned about CO2 concentrations in times past.

Start a war and then complain you’re losing.


Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):

Please see the link post from earlier this morning:

Link Smorgasbord (And a Smattering of Memes) – Granite Grok

And one that caught my eye since linkfest got approved for posting:

From Turbo Cancer to Turbo Alzheimer’s Disease: The Never-Ending Adverse Events of the “Vaccinated” – Flopping Aces

Remember, JUST on cancer, the Jab:

  • Has ingredients that promote cancer
  • Spike proteins bind to cancer suppression genes and inactivate them
  • Damages the critical CD8 lymphocytes whose job it is to destroy early cancer cells

More and more I’m finding that these three things – alone – never mind the the myriad other damaging effects, convince me that this Jab is the product of DECADES of experimentation and planning. Depopulation is the goal:


Pick of the Post:

What is in them? My friend in the UK suspects arms… doubtless for the migrants invading army. Trying to get more info, so if you have some please put it in the comments.


Palate Cleansers:

Get married? You’re still paying.

I love my wife, I adore my kids… but from observation I do understand the MGTOW movement.

TGIF! I’ll show myself out…


And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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