Standalone Links (with some memes)


Accumulated over several days and it grew too big for a meme post.

Before I dig in, please do see Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow. And my latest non-meme/non-link, actual essay-essay:

Revisiting Hashem’s Wisdom – Granite Grok



WOAH: Far-Left Presidential Candidate Cornel West Says Kamala Bribed Him to Drop Out, Offered Him a Job and Debt Payoff (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew

In a sane world, this would be reason for the squishy middle to shun her.

FLIP-FLOP: Kamala Harris Now Supports Spending Hundreds of Millions of Dollars on Building Trump Border Wall | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Like she’d actually do it once in.

Glenn Beck Has A Dire Warning Regarding Kamala Harris’ Campaign – Twitchy

Bayou Renaissance Man: “There are 1000 ways to commit election fraud and we know all of them”

TRUTH: E. Jean Carroll Has Accused SIX Men Of Sexual Assault and/or Rape — Including Former CEO of CBS * * by Noah

Totally credible per the Left.

FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Laughs When Asked About 13 Dead U.S. Service Members * * by Noah

Dominion | NC Renegades

You’re going to love this…

Dominion – yes the voting company – uses HUAWEI as their cloud provider.

— Lara Logan (@laralogan) August 27, 2024

It Sure Looks Like Kamala Harris Made Up Her Hard Knock Tale of Working at McDonald’s – RedState

She and Walz lie as easily as they breath:

Kamala Harris Posts A Lie So Big Almost NO ONE Is Supporting Her — “Do You Just Lie About Everything?” | WLT Report

Massively pwned in the comments as shown.

Facebook censored, the FBI lied … and the GOP calls this a win? | Blaze Media (

Trump Sensed a Deep State Trick Was Coming, and He is So Right – The Lid (

However, Trump has refused these briefings. And he did so for a very particular reason.

“So, I don’t want the briefings because as soon as I get one, they’ll accuse me of leaking it. The best way to handle that is to avoid the briefing altogether. They come in, give you a briefing, and then two days later, they leak it and blame you,” he explained.

“The only way to solve that problem is not to take the briefing,” he said. “I don’t want it, understood? I’ll have plenty of them when I get back in.”

A shrewd observation! Good catch.

Landslide Coming? New Highly Weighted Michigan Poll Shows 21% of Democrats Now Support Trump – And Trump Leads with Independents by 56 Points! | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Dear Dems — What Are You Voting For? – Laura Hollis (

California Senate Passes Law Banning Voter I.D. in Local Elections, Paving Way For Illegals Voting | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew

There Is Something Really Demented About Tim Walz’s Lying (

If Donald Trump’s Sex Life Is Fair Game, So Is Kamala Harris’ (

Excellent point.  What’s good for attacking the gander is good for attacking the goose.

Fear and Trembling in the Deep State – Flopping Aces

A threatened beast is the most dangerous.  Related:

D.C. Swamp-Dwellers: Doesn’t Matter Who Wins the Presidency, They’ll Do What They Want | Frontpage Mag

Kamala’s Racist ‘White Devil’ Pastor | Frontpage Mag

Shades of Barackus’ Reverend Wright.

‘Joy’ Rhetoric Is An Orwellian Attempt To Hide Democrats’ Hatred (

Not only is a “joy” campaign meant to distract attention from the track record of tyrants, but with media control it imposes an Orwellian anti-definition, similar to the novel 1984’s delusional slogan “freedom is slavery.” Or like the passage in Isaiah 5:20 about those who would call light darkness and darkness light, those who would call good evil and evil good.

Merchan’s Daughter Subpoenaed

Good.  Get her under oath and then perjury trap her.  Then… squeeeeeeeze.

The Jab, vaccines, and health in general:

MUST WATCH: Extreme Triathlete Devastated by COVID Vaccine Injury Shares His Heart-Wrenching Journey in a Must-See Documentary | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

“Safe and effective”. That’s not one lie, that’s TWO lies.

Caught on Camera: DOJ Attorney Who Defended FDA in Court Admits Agency’s Anti-Ivermectin Campaign was a ‘Mistake’ and an ‘Abuse of Authority’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Don’t forget this video about how, well before the Covid scamdemic, Ivermectin was identified as the NUMBER ONE medication to try:

Anthony Fauci Hospitalized From West Nile Virus, Spokesperson Reveals * * by Danielle

What was it Twain said?  Something like “I’ve never wished a man dead, but I’ve read many an obituary with pleasure”.  When that happens I’ll say what I always say when such people shuffle off:

“One should only speak good about the dead. OK. They’re dead? Good.”

Open Letter to Students and Parents about Vaccines ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Good info.

Guns / 2A / RKBA:

Suppressor Too | NC Renegades

You used to be able to mail order guns, and suppressors.  Crime was much lower than today.  Maybe it’s not the guns…

Kamala Harris Will Come for Your Guns ( (bolding added):

Everytown is an American organization that wants to disarm America. They wrote on their website, “From her time as district attorney to attorney general, from the U.S. Senate to the White House, Vice President Harris has spent her entire career working to build a future free from gun violence.” She won’t deal with crime or guns. She will only come for the guns of legal gun owners.


Islam Watch – “A Complete Guide to Pedophilia in Islam, Part 1” by Amar Khan (


Hezbollah’s rocket launch sites are near a UN facility. UN silent. ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

IDF: 90% of Hezbollah rockets, drones fired from civilian areas –

They willingly endanger their own to cripple Israel’s reaction.  And to create camera fodder for the useful idiots to pressure Israel for them.

Today in History: The World’s Most ‘Consequential’ Battle (and ISIS’s Inspiration) (

The Battle of Yarmuk serves as an important reminder that, when it comes to history — especially the history of Islam and the West — the lessons imparted are far from academic and have relevance to this day.

WATCH: IDF drone uncovers explosives lab hidden in a northern Judea and Samaria mosque | World Israel News

Islam practices the philosophy of TOTAL WAR better than almost anyone.  They also understand the softness of the West and uses places that are protected under the “Rules of War”, and then makes PR hay from when those sites they are using – the use of which removes the protection – are attacked.

India: Muslim arrested for raping his Hindu friend’s 3-year-old daughter (

Islamic Group Slaughters Over 400 DEAD, Hundreds Wounded in Burkina Faso – Geller Report

Another mass casualty event by Muslims. No media, no worldwide condemnation. No protests. No riots. Because, you know, Islam is peace. Dare otherwise and you will be destroyed, you islamophobic-racist-anti-muslim-bigot.

The safest countries in Europe have one thing in common: Few, if any, Muslims (

Kernels of sanity in a migrant-philic world. “Captive of the Right Hand” – i.e., rape of kaffir women, is a real doctrine. Lastly, read this and shake your head at how anyone can want to support this regime. #freepersia

“Female prisoners who are virgins must be raped before execution, to prevent them from entering heaven.” – NCRI Women Committee (

Climate change:

German State Broadcaster Funds Fantasy Murder of “Climate Deniers” – Watts Up With That?

Who remembers this little clip from a few years ago?  Content warning!!!!

Cut your Carbon or ELSE… “NO Pressure” 10:10 Commercial – Short Film (

When their fantasy – openly broadcast – is a grisly death for those who disagree with them… believe them. Remember that they truly believe that CO2 emissions are a threat to all life on earth. Now put yourself in their shoes – imagine you truly believe this – what would you NOT DO to stop that?

The modern rate of sea level rise is not even close veering outside the range of natural variability. – Watts Up With That?

So where’s the crisis then.

Party Over for Alarmists as Sea Temperatures Plunge Around the World – Watts Up With That?

Nobel Prize Winning Forecast | Real Climate Science

The Goracle predicted an ice free arctic by 2014.  How’s that looking? A scientific theory must be testable – which this prediction was… and when it didn’t come through as predicted, that weakens if not invalidates the theory. That’s how a SCIENCE works.

Faking US Temperature Data | Real Climate Science

Anything’s possible when you fake data. And… why do they need to falsify data in the first place if their theory is correct?

For American Jews:

Chicago Dems let anti-Israel protesters march, but block pro-Israel Jews (

Some of the comments are from Jewish Republicans complaining about the reflexive “D” vote of most Jews in America.

When Democrats tell the Jews, ‘Let me be clear…’ –

Steve Kerr and the Killers | Frontpage Mag

The anti-Jewish candidate –

American Jews have to come to grips with the fact that the Left is pursuing a new voter demographic. Jewish money helps, but it’s VOTES they’re after.

The anti-Jewish candidate –

Comments here are good too (mostly).  Individuals see; the problem is the herd-beast mentality of many American Jews will not let them see lest they alienate their friends & family.

Democrats Will Weep Momentarily For Hostages, But They Hate Israel – American Thinker

Caroline Glick on the anti-Semitic takeover of the Democrat Party and a prospective Harris administration – The New Neo

Seven-odd minute video.

Israel must defend itself on its own –

As I’ve said for years, publicly, Israel needs to wean itself from American aid.

The Gaza End Game | Frontpage Mag

Democrats’ Weakness On Israel Is Prolonging War In The Middle East (

I think there are all sorts of people in the US government – on both sides of the aisle – that would like to see this be a forever war. And certainly many on the Left who’d like to see Israel gone entirely.

Kamala Picks Terror Supporter as “Liaison” to American Jews – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at

Ilan Goldenberg had previously advocated for a deal in which “Hamas would retain some of its military capabilities” and argued that “half the root causes are Israeli actions, in terms of — especially just focusing on Gaza, on the blockade. And the other half is Hamas’ choice to use violence and arm itself in response.” He had urged that more money should go into the Hamas territory and argued that Israel should in allow workers from Gaza. “You used to have 25,000, 100,000 Gazans working inside Israel. That needs to happen again.” That led to Oct 7.

THIS is who Kamala chose to represent her to American Jews?

Survey Shows Majority of Muslim College Students Hate Jews – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at

Extreme rhetoric in New York mosques as imams call for destruction of Israel, praise Hamas | World Israel News

Counter-balance this with the incessant preaching by so many American Jews that we need to “reach out” and “understand” and “be tolerant of” the Islamic community in America.  When – WHEN – will American Jews grasp that trying to please your enemies does not turn them into friends

France: Antisemitic incidents up 200% this year alone (

Import more Muslim migrants, get more attacks on Jews.  It’s a simple correlation.  Why is this so unclear to so many American Jews?  And why – why – why do so many American Jews take the side of people who planned and did this to their friends and relatives in Israel:

“Take off your pants,” “spread your legs” – From Hamas translation guide for October 7 | PMW Analysis (

And say this:

Gazan civilian: Jews are “Allah’s enemies, the enemies of the religion” | PMW Translations (

Migration / illegals:

Leo Hohmann: New Migrant Wave Heading to U.S. Includes Many Chinese, South Americans, Middle Easterners | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

No nation can, or should, stand for this invasion.  And a great video asks an important question:


For many, they think it’s votes.  For the central kernel, of course, it’s to foment chaos that will permit their creation of Socialistopia, regardless of the cost to their nation.  The sad part is that they really think they can live through this. I’m sure they have a plan, but… “No plan survives contact with the enemy”.

Massachusetts Silent About $1B in Secret Spending on Migrants – HotAir

What’s it at at the federal level again? Something like $400 billion a year?

Moonbattery Islamic Conquest by Moonbattery – Moonbattery

Oh, NOES! Brussels fears that rise in stabbing attacks by Muslims in the UK and Europe could lead to increase in groups who want to stop the rise in stabbing attacks by Muslims in the UK and Europe (

GO AHEAD, keep importing masses of “cultural enrichers” from Africa & the Middle East (

Chris Murphy says that victims of illegal alien rape and murder are a bullsh*t narrative – Flopping Aces

Outright denial by a “D” of what’s happening. Like the CO governor denying that Venezuelan gangs have taken over buildings. Pure gaslighting. The problem is that so many sheeple will believe it.

Report: Violent Gang of Illegal Aliens Takes Over Apartment Complex In Colorado (

Germany: Scholz vows tougher knife laws after Muslim arrested for jihad massacre at diversity festival (

“Germany is No Longer a Safe Country” | Gates of Vienna

Support for AfD Surges in Germany After Knife Attack Leaves 3 Dead – MishTalk

Douglas Murray: “I Tried To Warn You… Things Are Getting Worse in the UK” – YouTube

Vienna: A Case Study of the ‘Great Replacement’ (

Whoever doubts the merits of the “great replacement theory” — which holds that global “elites” are replacing white, Christian populations with nonwhite, non-Christian (especially Muslim) populations — should take a good look at Austria.

Greece: Muslim migrants who videoed and confessed to their rape of woman are released without restrictive conditions (

Multicultural Europe Is Far Worse Than the Titanic | Gates of Vienna

Tyranny / Globalism:

Woman Arrested and Kicked Out of City Council Meeting For Expressing Her First Amendment Rights * * by Noah

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Straight from the Constitution.

Fury erupts at Starmer’s EU capitulation as he sets date for Brexit betrayal | Politics | News |

“It’s to reopen all the arguments and to renegotiate the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, in a way that starts making us subject to EU law once again. That’s not moving on, it’s moving back.”

Which brings up the “infertility agenda”…

Remember my series on depopulation:

The 7.3 Billion Dollar, er, Person Question – Liberty’s Torch (

Proverbs 16:18… and What’s Coming? – Granite Grok

Dark Thoughts in the Small Hours – Granite Grok

Borrowing from a Dog Food Ad – Urban Scoop

Depopulation Speculations – Granite Grok

And you will have global government whether or not you want it.

Globalism: The UN “Summit of the Future” (

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid, of European Social Media Censorship (

The Zuckerberg letter, cont’d | Power Line (

Trump assassination attempt:

Incompetence or Malice? | Frontpage Mag

There are too many things in this for this to be “mere” incompetence.  I’m going with malice.

A Tale of Two Assassination Attempts — A Tale of Two Targets – Larry Elder (

FBI: Butler shooter’s motive unclear, but he definitely wasn’t politically motivated – American Thinker

Doubtless said with a straight face.


RINO Sellout Mitch McConnell Moves to Torpedo Election Integrity Efforts by Blocking SAVE Act In Upcoming Spending Bill – And Open Door to Illegals Voting in US Elections | The Gateway Pundit | by Julian Conradson

RINO (when you elect) - notice j


A MASSIVE financial collapse is coming that will destroy everyone’s assets, warns Paul Craig Roberts * * by Noah

If Everything Is So Great, Why Are Millions Of Americans Sleeping In Their Vehicles? ⋆ Conservative Firing Line

The Not Affordable American Dream in Three Pictures – MishTalk

Bayou Renaissance Man: A vivid illustration of our need for a “store of value”

Knowledge too, especially if (when!) SHTF / Spicy Time arrives.

40% Still Have Difficulty Paying Their Bills – HotAir

No, Kamala, There is no Profit-Driven Inflation | The Gateway Pundit | by Antonio Graceffo

Car Insurance Socks Working Americans with 54% Hike in the Biden-Harris Era – The Lid (

Bayou Renaissance Man: The complete and utter stupidity of price controls

Very good analysis.

Boots on the Ground…Aug. 26th…More economic pain and it’s going to get a lot worse. Buckle Up

Southern Prepper One.

Culture wars / the problem we face:

Moonbattery Pastor Arrested for Protesting Drag Queen Grooming – Moonbattery

How Do We Solve the West’s Fertility Crisis? – Intellectual Takeout

Moonbattery Cornell Circles the Drain – Moonbattery

Note how so many faculty are involved.  The “Long March” bearing fruit. 

The Progressives’ Long March | Frontpage Mag

And indoctrination on another subject:

Moonbattery NASA Terrorizes Tots With Global Warming Hysteria – Moonbattery

Boeing: the long, slow death of a legend (

Appeals Court Rules that Florida May Go Ahead with Ban on Trans Procedures on Kids – The Lid (

Police Hunting for Boy as Young as 10 Suspected of Committing Multiple Armed Crimes | The Gateway Pundit | by Michael Schwarz, The Western Journal


Research: Nearly Half of Americans Don’t Feel Close to Their Communities – Intellectual Takeout


I remember, right out of college, moving to a Detroit suburb.  In the building were 12 apartment units.  I made an attempt to at least introduce myself to everyone.  Polite rebuffing was the term for most; one was hostile, and only one – a police officer – was friendly.  What a contrast to where I grew up, where most everyone was on a first-name basis with everyone else.

Even where we live, we still only know a few people by name.

Oakland Thieves Steal Jaws of Life From Fire Department During Rescue Call (

COMMUNISM: Oregon Voters to Consider Approving Nation’s First Universal Basic Income – Geller Report

Any takers on if this will work out any different than any other attempt to do this?

No, I Wasn’t Born This Way | Frontpage Mag

Homosexuals, I now remain convinced, are made—not born. Many claim they knew they were different from their earliest memories. But the question remains: what unconscious forces and undetected phenomena forged the foundations of a sexual orientation?

I have never in my life met a gay man who hailed from a home with a strong bond with his father. I have never met a gay man who was not in some form of emotional partnership with his mother all his life. I have rarely met a gay man who was not promiscuous.

An uncomfortable read of his personal experience.

How Do We Solve the West’s Fertility Crisis? – Intellectual Takeout

Many different causes, some chemical, some Jab, some cultural… but they all must be addressed.

Another Company Just Slashed Its DEI Initiatives After Consumers Threatened to Boycott (


WW3 Watch – and national security in general:

The Quiet Before the Storms in Ukraine, Gaza, and Taiwan? | Frontpage Mag

Dems’ green energy agenda is walking America right into China’s hands, analysis says – Alpha News

Democrats’ sprawling green energy agenda is making the U.S. reliant on raw materials that China dominates, putting the U.S. at a tactical and economic disadvantage, according to a report published Thursday by the Heritage Foundation.

Clinton Appointed Judge Rules Military Can’t Deny HIV-Positive Enlistees | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott

America the unprepared – Michael Mandelbaum (

They were expressed decades ago by Gen. Douglas MacArthur. “The history of failure in war,” he said the year before the United States formally entered World War II, “can almost always be summed up in two words: Too late. Too late in comprehending the deadly purpose of a potential enemy. Too late in realizing the mortal danger. Too late in preparedness. Too late in uniting all possible forces for resistance.”

The message of the Harman-Edelman Commission to the American public is: it’s later than you think.

‘Dialogue Works’ edition of 28 August 2024: Kursk and U.S. preparations for a first, decapitating nuclear strike against Russia – Gilbert Doctorow

Troubling rumor.  But I think it’s got a kernel of truth, but not for the reason you think: preservation of the Ukraine money laundering and the biolabs.  Just the other day I saw a video discussing the ongoing “died suddenly” excess mortality.  If multiple virologists and others are correct, that will accelerate as we get into cold & flu season and those viruses encounter those with VAIDS.  Myocarditis and sudden cardiac arrests will continue and, also, likely accelerate (I hope I’m wrong).  Thus, the absolute NEED to create a world-wide calamity on which this can be blamed, and also in parallel create an excuse.  I.e., “Of course people are dying – it’s WW3”!

It’s about religion! – American Thinker

Yes, it is.  Those who think it’s just about “land” or “just share it” are deluded or intentionally blind to what the Koran plainly says.  And it’s not just Israel.  They have global ambitions.


Media: The Enemy of the People – American Thinker

Enough With ‘Very Fine People’ and Other Lies – American Thinker

No matter how much you hate the enemedia, it’s not enough.

Israel-Hamas War: Facts Cable News Ignores or Twists – The Lid (

Remember, control the information flow, and control what people believe.


Native-American Food Preservation Techniques – Ask a Prepper

Thinking about not having power…

Air It Out – The Sifford Sojournal

Places You Should Never Hide a Gun in Your House – Ask a Prepper

Guilty on a couple of these!


Other Memers & Linky posts:

Remember, inclusion here doesn’t mean I agree with every meme or link there.

Non-Original Rants: Thursday Meme Drop (

Bookworm Beat 8/23/24 — the “Kamala is an easy target” meme edition – Bookworm Room

In The Mailbox: 08.28.24 : The Other McCain

Memeing Out Loud – According To Hoyt

Knuckledraggin My Life Away : Wednesday’s memes (

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/29/2024 | Gates of Vienna

Barnhardt Meme Barrage, 29 August ARSH 2024 | —– Meme posts curated by Ann Barnhardt

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: Colorado Mayor: Police Have Lost Control of City Blocks Due to Venezuelan Gang Tren de Aragua (



This. Is. Brilliant. Ridiculing TDS like insanity, but it brings a point home.



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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