Meme Overflow


As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule continue!

*** Warning, definitely off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



And if – by some miracle – he wins in November, what will they do?

This is the look, IMHO, of a man who knows The Left has his back. He’s done his duty, he’ll be taken care of. The Left is very good at rewarding good and faithful servants.

Another one:

More and more I think that TINVOWOOT.

Certainly, IMHO, there needs to be some kind of ending to property taxes after some amount of time / other conditions are met. If, from the moment you purchase a house until the moment you die, you are paying property tax then you don’t actually own your land but are merely paying rent to the state for it.

MANY years ago I watched a woman pay with actual food stamps. Having, IIRC, three kids with her with a fourth very visibly on the way, I was actually resentful. Now, could they be having a “rough spell”? Sure. But for more than a few, they vote benefits for themselves for a living.

What he foresaw was clearly foreseeable. Probably seen by many. He just had the cojones to say it.

These “men” – males – ADMIT they rape and they walk????



They’re still doing it. Another:

Control the information flow, control what people believe.


They already have countless musicians parading around in Satan costumes… singing about selling their souls, etc. Like this (video is a repeat):

Apparently, it needs to be even more obvious than that. And I mean (another repeated image) how in-your-face can it get???

I repeat: when a “protected” location like a hospital, graveyard, school, religious place, etc., is coopted and used for military purposes, that officially removes the protection.

Flip it. Imagine if it said NO BLACKS (etc.)

I wonder how many will, nonetheless, find a way to change it to have her name on the ballot?


I’d love to get people who know how to do this to offer classes. Yes, I see videos, but IMHO there’s no substitute for actually being hands-on under the supervision of someone who knows.

I once told an antigun person who thought CW2 would be over soon with them winning handily – because F-15s and Apache helicopters, etc. – to go outside and think of all the places within 300 yards where a person could hide and then shoot a 4″ group or so into their chest.

It reminds me of a story about the Civil War a friend told me. At the Battle of Bull Run, all the socialites & “beautiful people” from DC came to watch the Union whip those uncouth redneck southerners. Yet, as those southerners routed the Union, those same socialites fled for their lives. Same story here. Am I saying we’d necessarily win? No, no battle’s outcome is predetermined. But at the same time, they think they can sit it out and just watch with no effects on them.

Electricity. Water. Food. Medicines. Fuel. Supplies of all to the Blue Hives will become spotty if non-existent. Imagine NYC or Boston or Chicago or any major city with no power for a week, and barely any supplies coming in.




From this Telegram channel post:

One of the health promoting components found in garlic is this enzyme that allows the formation of allicin. The trick is that chopping your garlic is needed for allicin to form.
This process takes around 10 minutes. For this reason, you must chop garlic 5 to 10 minutes before using.
Consume or cook with garlic right away and your garlic won’t live up to its full protective, disease fighting potential.
You can also maximize the health value and the allicin formed by chopping the garlic into tiny pieces. This allows more allicin to form. A great way to achieve this is with a good garlic press.


Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):

Standalone link post coming – hopefully tomorrow.


Unless internal forces can change Iran, I fear we are headed towards a confrontation regardless. Note that I’m not advocating it. But while, yes, Israel is their proximal target, never forget we are the GREAT SATAN irrespective of any support for Israel. Israel could be scoured from the earth and their hatred of the US would remain.

Now this is an interesting observation. Except owning lots of property is not the asset they think it is. Who will buy it then?

Nice observation bro. Now what?

The forced taking of the output of others’ labor is called slavery.

The problem is not that they’ll try this again. Of course they will. The problem is that so many will, gain, fall for it.

Been going on for a while then.


Pick of the Post:

If you somehow could show today to people then… they wouldn’t believe it possible.


Palate cleansers:

The one on the left is a long-standing favorite of mine…


Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.


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    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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