Meme Overflow


As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule continue!

*** Warning, definitely off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***

And a second:


More Debate Memes and Kountess Kackula Info:

OOH, “internal probe”? Give me a break.

OTOH, when a former CLINTON advisor says this…

So much for the claim that babies can’t be aborted moments before birth.


Multiply that by a thousand.

I remember one time, having my blood drawn, asking if there was a difference between Jabbed and un-Jabbed blood. They said they didn’t see any, but… I’ve heard that enough times, from enough disparate sources, that I have to wonder. Have to get a blood draw soon and will ask again if it’s a different person.

Palestinian terrorists had their kids jubilantly pose against a backdrop with 9/11 terror attack imagery. Don’t forget the video of them cheering after 9-11:

9/11 News Coverage: 10:45 AM: Palestinians Celebrate (

And speaking of them celebrating… we keep hearing that “it’s only Hamas, not the average Gazan”. So, does this crowd of average Gazans look like they’re horrified by Hamas bringing Israeli bodies back on Oct. 7?

This is “hanging chads” all over again. If you are so stupid you can’t follow instructions, you shouldn’t be voting. Period.

Now WHY can’t the perps do this to friends / relatives of the pols who made these policy changes?

Says the man with a multi-million dollar mansion and, doubtless, paid private security to boot.

What’s that expression? “If it needs to be ‘normalized’, then it ain’t normal”!

I think it has more to do with not letting the people of the world find out about the money laundering, child trafficking / adrenochrome, and covering up the coming Jabpocalypse:

Who’s Ready for World War Three? – by John Schindler (

And there are “medical *cough cough* ethicists” who have actually said it should be legal up to six months or so AFTER birth. Because the infant isn’t really a human yet.

You think this way, I call YOU not a human.

Just open it up to migrants, tell them diplomats & UN staffers taste like chicken or pork, and let them handle it.

I think a government has a legitimate need to identify who is in the country, but I do agree in general.



I wonder if this is true. But at the same time… it would not surprise me in the slightest if, in checking off your name and seeing your Right-leaning affiliation, a good “D” poll worker did this knowing that it could knock out your ballot. Remember, they don’t need explicit instructions from On High to mess with your vote – it’s all part of the simple rules:

Hypothesizing the rules:

  • The creation of a one-world Socialist state is the utmost & highest good possible
  • In this one-world Socialistopia hunger, war, poverty, disease, bigotry, etc. – i.e., all the ills that have plagued mankind since forever – will be swept away, thus justifying any misery or deaths that may occur along the way (e.g., here and here)
  • Any action, even individual action, that increases the chance of Socialistopia being created is a moral & actionable mandate and thus doing them makes you a good and moral and noble person
  • To realize this Brave New World all vestiges of the old world and its history need to be swept away as has been done with every great societal revamp in history
  • The more chaos and disruption the more desperate people will become, and thus they will be more primed to accept the offer of stability – Dostoyevsky was a prophet in foreseeing this – and Socialists are more than ready to promise that stability
  • Any who oppose solving these age-old ills, as Saint Marx prophesized will happen in this new world, must be for keeping them around… and are therefore irredeemably evil people to their core. And good people must fight evil and thus feel good about doing so.


There ARE legitimate government functions that need to be funded. But somehow we were rising before the income tax got implemented.

Trump’s Golf Outing Was a Last-Minute Decision, Sources Reveal | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

So… that shooter had to scramble. So, I assume, did MSNBC to cover that outing. Wanting to get another shot – pardon! – at getting Pulitzer Price pics and video of Trump being assassinated?

Speaking of, has anyone asked that photographer at the first attempt why he had the F-stop at an impossibly high speed that professional photographers have said would never be used unless you were wanting to capture something happening in an instant? Like, oh, a Pulitzer-prize winning shot of Trump’s head getting splatted by an assassin’s bullet?

Asking for a friend.

I’d go with CNN and NPR first. Then MSNBC.




Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):

Here’s Victor Davis Hanson laying out that the world is on fire because the Biden/Harris administration has been so bad:

The Biden-Harris World Is Afire › American Greatness (

The EU is now issuing digital VAX “passports”, and you won’t have an “opt-out” option.

Papers, Please: “You No Longer Have the Right to Say No” | Gates of Vienna

N adds: I don’t recall voting for techno-tyranny? Do you?

Trump has some great policy ideas here:

On X: Trump’s vision for the economy.

A liberal Jew is now stating (anonymously) that he will be voted for (GASP) Trump, and lays out the reasons why:

Guest post: A lifelong Jewish Democrat holds his nose and will vote for Trump ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

The Deep State is getting desperate, as they have yet to shut down Trump, and the polling numbers for Harris/Walz are so bad they would probably be caught if they tried to cheat a “win” for her in the election.  This article lays out dome of their remaining options, but none of them are good for America or it’s citizens.  The big takeaway here is that the feces may hit the whirling blades before (or just after) the election, and we should be getting prepared for civil unrest NOW:

Options | NC Renegades

Senator Josh Hawley is trying to get to the bottom of the FIRST Trump assassination attempt, but the TLA’s are stonewalling him:

Common Cents Blog: Whistle-blower Report on President Trump’s FIRST Assassination attempt – (


New Whistleblower Report Detailing Secret Service Failures Surrounding the Attempted Assassination of President Trump – Geller Report

Also related:  Even the Dems are getting upset with the stonewalling efforts:

Since the 2nd assassination attempt was in Florida, Governer DeSantis has asked his state DOJ and other state agencies to investigate, since the Feds are stonewalling all the investigations into the 1st attempt:

Don’t F*ck With Florida – small dead animals

Even after 2 assassination attempts on Trump, White House spox KJP is STILL calling Trump a “threat”:

It’s now coming out that ABC basically rigged the Trump/Harris debate by giving her the questions in advance and only fact-checking Trump.  How is this NOT election interference?:

ABC News Is Mum on the Whistleblower Affidavit (

N adds:


Two agents of the FBlie (or people claiming to be FBI agents) show up at a house in NH to discuss the owners “online posts”, but refuse to identify themselves (warning, a little salty language):

The Feral Irishman: Meanwhile, In The Live Free or Die State of New Hampshire…

N adds: My understanding is that they are REQUIRED to identify themselves when requested.

Speaking of censorship, Hillary Clinton is openly stating that people who disseminate “misinformation” should go to jail.  While that would not be in line with the 1st A, Clinton could (and should) be charged with numerous treasonous offences, some of which she has admitted to.  So let’s start with HER, OK?

Her Heinous the Crone of Chappaqua wants Americans jailed for misinformation.

The left is trying to say that “pets are NOT being eaten by illegal immigrants”!  However, there are police reports, video proof and several other sources that cannot be “pooh-poohed” away:

Vetted Video Shows Ohio Immigrants Grilling Neighborhood Cats – PJ Media

Here’s an interview with Eric Weinstein that posits a “coup” from the Deep State, in that they will not ALLOW Trump to be seated as President, EVEN IF HE WINS!  The video is about 14 minutes, but the real “meat” starts at about 1:30 and runs to 8:00, where he talks about how a globalist cabal runs the world, and they don’t want their apple cart upset:

 “I Don’t Know If Trump Will Be Allowed To Become President” – Eric Weinstein (

Somewhat related, Dan Bongino asks some really good questions about how the gunman of the 2nd attempt even knew Trump would be at the golf course, especially since Trump himself didn’t know (the decision to go golfing was made “on the fly”):

Bongino Explains How He Predicted Second Assassination Attempt (

T.L. Davis with another excellent article, this one that points out how the government is forcing us to pay for all their shenanigans (through taxation which is backed up by force), whereas in the past (before the income tax), politicians had to “sell” an idea to “We The People” so we would buy the bonds to fund it.  That made them directly responsible, and not just an “overseer”: 

A Note to the Temporary Oppressors – by T.L. Davis (

Related:  Here’s a great article about how the Deep State will cause a lot of damage on their way out, but getting them out is imperative to getting our country back:

The Deep State Has Already Lost – by Erik Carlson (

And stand by for a coming-soon Link Smorgasbord.


MHO, she won’t be. At least not unless Trump wins. And even then, it will be spun by the enemedia as “retribution”.

That’s actually a good point.


Other memer posts (inclusion here doesn’t mean I agree with every one there):

Non-Original Rants: Saturday Meme Drop (

09-14 Politically Incorrect Daily – Politically Incorrect Humor

Sunday Strip: Look Over There! – by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sunday Funnies – Flopping Aces


Pick of the Post:

I thought it was “Long Pork”…


Palate cleansers:

I wouldn’t hire her to do this at my funeral (I’d be tempted but no…), but I wonder how business is for her.

I bet this was an ‘arrowing experience. 😀


Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.


progressivism delenda est - notice j



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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