Monday Monday, can’t trust that day!

Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought

2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes

3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.  

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin. 

*** Warning, definitely a few off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about *** 


Post Debate Memes:

ABC moderators interrupt Trump multiple times with ‘fact checks’ while allowing Kamala to spread multiple hoaxes | The Post Millennial |

That the “moderators” would be partisan was not just completely predictable, but predicted by many. The problem is that so many will not pick up on that.

Generally speaking, I am growing to have complete disgust for the vast majority of the sheeple who will be starved, frozen, if not raped/killed by migrants, and all the while will not understand what they voted for.

I would not bet against that. And look here:

Real? I believe so, and I hope the affidavit comes out soon. It will, of course, be scoffed at by the enemedia. But – and this is MHO – the enemedia scoffing at Springfield, OH’s pets being eaten when there are testimonies, pictures, and even videos is costing them whatever credibility they still have left.

Well… Newsmax, so consider the audience. In ALL these polls, have to wonder about the group being polled.

INGRASSIA: President Trump Handily Beat Kamala Harris In Their Debate – And The Data Proves It | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Ingrassia

Also see this montage of poll results:

MHO is that people who like Trump think Trump won; same for Kountess Kackula.

I wouldn’t call this proven-proven, but…

And a new development – look at the earrings on both:


“No, doctor, I don’t have a single gun at home”. Mentally, “I have a f*ckton of guns at home. Not a ‘single'”. Hey, if Muslims can get away with Tawriya so can I. Note: DO NOT get defensive on this, or they’ll put you down as a YES. And my kids have been carefully instructed to answer a firm NO! to “Do your parents have guns at home”? to anyone asking.

Now, these two next links are to short videos – CONTENT WARNING. Cats ARE on the menu. There’s no other explanation. Again, if you are an animal lover, BE WARNED about clicking on these.

Cats 1

Cats 2

IMHO one of the big barriers, in general, to taking a Red Pill on something is the fact that people just DO NOT WANT to believe such bad things can be real.

Over and over and over and over again they state, clearly, their goal is the whole world. Israel is just the appetizer. What part of this is so unclear?

Want to know how non-Muslims are treated? They’re DHIMMIS, subject to the Pact of Omar (Umar).

Islam’s non-compete restrictions are summarized in the infamous Pact of Omar and Sharia law. They regulate non-Muslims from competing with Muslim males in the following areas: proselytizing, politics, employment opportunities, social status, prestige or ‘honor’, public events, using the Arabic language, teaching about Islam, marrying Muslim women, the security of possessions and the elegance or height of buildings…even in how the Kafirs dress. Nor may women compete with Muslim males, since Allah made women constitutionally inferior to men ‘in reason and religion’.

Islam’s non-compete restrictions are the Kafirs’ terms of surrender to the Islamic state. The Pact of Omar was made by eighth-century caliphs to be forced on non-Muslims against their wills. Wherever Islamists become the ruling class, the Pact of Omar is dragged out to crush whatever challenges Islamic monopolies. That makes Kafirs and women permanent underclasses in Sharia-ruled societies.

Islamists want to insinuate Sharia into Kafir societies before Kafirs and women are aware of its non-compete implications.

In a Sharia society, non-competition applies everywhere, even in the law courts where Sharia favors the inconvenience, impoverishment and humiliation of Kafirs and the inferior status of women.

I have a small collection of different currencies showing hyperinflation, each framed and – space willing, someday – on the wall as a collection collage.

VERY conceivable. I see it all the time on LinkedIn. TDS. And a wholesale swallowing of every lie about Trump that’s been spewed since he came down the escalator. I still see the lie about “very fine people”, and one contact still, even after years have gone, believes Trump told people to drink or inject bleach.



Relentless. Absolutely relentless. But we saw this with the Covid protests, both here and in Europe. I remember one protest that, IIRC, had over a half million people protesting the lockdowns and mandates. And… crickets from the pols. They’re going to do what they’re going to do, regardless of what The People want. They cannot be bargained with, they cannot be reasoned with, and they absolutely will not stop.

More and more, despite my desperate desire to not “go kinetic” – I fear that will be the only recourse. Not with a guarantee, but to not go quietly into the night of total tyranny.


This is beyond naivete.

I read person after person after person on LI with TDS and my main thought is “You haven’t been beaten or raped by a migrant yet… I can’t wait until you are”. Yes, that’s nasty. So?

Now that’s a very interesting accusation about the plane strike location. True?

Part 2:

Questions. Questions that need answering. If only we had a class of people – you know, a profession whose job it is to investigate and expose the doings of our politicians. We could call them “reporters”. Sowell, as usual, is correct:

Anything “granted/given” by man can be taken away.

When I’m devastating people on the Jab with facts, figures, etc.? Anti-vaxxer.

When I’m devastating people on “climate change”? Climate denier.

When I’m devastating people on, well, just about anything, I get called racist, or sexist, or homophobic / transphobic / xenophobic.

People are being killed here and all over the world – and in huge numbers. Alas. Horror. But why so much attention just on Israel – which, per multiple military experts in urban warfare, is going above and beyond what anyone else in the world has done to attempt to minimize civilian casualties.

IN THEORY, come-from-behind events should be about 50/50. What are the real numbers…???

Apparently Eric Swalwell of Nuke America fame was having an absolute meltdown over these kinds of memes. Good… good…


Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):

The last Link Smorgasbord:

Link Smorgasbord (And a Smattering of Memes) – Granite Grok

How to Dominate the Masses – A Lily Bit

This is not a recipe for sustainable development or environmental protection, but a blueprint for a totalitarian world order, in which the rights and freedoms of individuals are subordinated to the whims of a self-appointed elite.

The fact that this document was circulated in preparation for the UN’s environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 is a reminder that the agenda of population control and global governance has been a long time in the making – and that the latest incarnation of this agenda, the Pact for the Future, is merely the latest iteration of a decades-long campaign to impose a dystopian future on humanity.

The true intentions of the global elite are laid bare in this chilling document. The Security Council, dominated by the Anglo-Saxon Major Nation Powers, would assume absolute authority over all nations, dictating population quotas and enforcing them through economic strangulation, military force, or any other means deemed necessary. The notion of national sovereignty would be reduced to a quaint relic of a bygone era, as the Security Council asserts its “complete legal, military and economic jurisdiction” over every region of the world.


Pick of the post:

I keep discussing the FOUR S SOLUTION:

  1. Sink the ships
  2. Strafe the survivors
  3. Shut up
  4. Sharks have to eat too


Palate Cleansers:

Chops for using their dwarfism as a marketing ploy.


Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee


democula Eager to devour



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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