
The weekly avalanche is starting…

Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought

2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes

3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.  

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin. 

*** Warning, definitely a few off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about *** 


I’m not quite at that level, but I’m getting there. From this Telegram post (but DYOR):

“Overcome your fear of cholesterol” is the title of our latest Wise Traditions podcast you can listen to or read via:

Why and when was cholesterol chosen to be the villain instead of the hero? Dr. Cate Shanahan, the author of “Deep Nutrition” and “Dark Calories” reviews the dark history of the misinformation related to this important nutrient. She discusses cholesterol’s true and vital role in our bodies.

Cholesterol is so important, actually, that Cate recommends that we should celebrate when our cholesterol levels are on the rise! Gasp! Cate also answers the question: If cholesterol doesn’t cause heart attacks what does?

One down, untold millions to go.

Medical schools are changing curricula to blame the climate change hoax for their malpractice: “Among the effects of warming temperatures and shifting weather patterns are an increase in communicable diseases, a surge in chronic respiratory conditions, and a troubling uptick in heat-related deaths. Moreover, the report highlighted how climate change is exacerbating global food insecurity, leading to widespread malnutrition, and forcing mass displacements that further strain public health systems.”

Medical Schools Are Updating Their Curricula as Climate Change Becomes Impossible to Ignore | Medical Education and Training | JAMA | JAMA Network

So Israel is faced with a no-win scenario. Let the tactic of storing and basing and launching weapons from civilian areas, including hospitals and schools… thus giving terrorists a leg-up in the fight, or attack it and have all the “useful idiot” bleeding hearts screaming about it.

Well done!

No, no, no… there’s no Satanism or other filth in the music industry.

If once is incidence, twice is coincidence, and three times is an enemy action… then just the above means the entire industry is captured.

OK, I’m prejudiced, but Kelly Ayotte gives me this same vibe. Every time I’ve met her and discussed something I’ve always felt like her response was given to tell me what she thought I wanted to hear.


When you start a war, you must consider the possibility you might lose.



The more I learn about the decades of evil-doing by fedgov, the more I am convinced that the country I thought I lived in hasn’t existed… probably not even in my entire lifetime.


What’s interesting to me is that this appeared in a Saudi paper.

The problem is that so many will vote their TDS, not their pocketbook or national security.

To be fair, when we decided it was easier to drive part-way down the block rather than walk, and when many jobs went from physical labor to desk work.

This is the diplomatic equivalent of being spit on, IMHO.


Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):

For those whose SSN and personal data was exposed by the recent hack of National Public Data, here is a website to find out if you are in the compromised group:

NPD Breach Check –

N adds: I’m on there. Dammit.

Also check former states you lived in, as I found 10 entries for me in 4 states, all the way back to my college days (35 years ago).  If you are in this database, I would strongly recommend you contact the 3 major credit agencies (Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian) ASAP and have them lock down your accounts.  That prevents anyone from getting a loan or credit card in your name.  If you need to apply for a loan or a credit card, you will need to unlock the accounts, but don’t forget to lock them down again after you are approved.  Here’s a website that tells you how to do it:

How to place or lift a security freeze on your credit report | USAGov

T.L. Davis with another really good post:  Insurrection against Corruption IS Patriotism:

Insurrection Against Corruption – by T.L. Davis (

This is long (23 minutes), but pretty important to watch, as it documents how bad our (non-existent) our immigration system is:

A good article on how the Harris/Walz ticket is moving the Democrat party straight into communism:

Commentary: The Rise of the Red Fascists – Tennessee Star

Related:  How the Dems are manipulating the MSM & Social Media sites to target and manipulate you:

Because they want to control the food, the government is harassing farmers & ranchers.  Here they serve arrest warrants over an APPROVED fence (on leased land) that has been in place since 1950, claiming the family “stole federal land”.  

Farming Family Faces 10 Years in Prison Over an Approved Fence (

MonkeyPox has now been verified to have a “gain of function” mutation.  These people want us DEAD:

Gain-of-Function Mutation Found in Monkeypox (

Related:  A look back at the results of the Covid-19 “vaccines”:

Apparently the word got out that not having any American flags on the stage was a bad look, so now the Dems are showing all kinds of American flags (even though it’s supposedly “triggers” leftists):

The Point of the 2024 Democratic National Convention was to Rehabilitate the Anti-American Image of Their Party (

Universal basic income is the Marxists “go to” thing for votes:  Free Money!  However, even the leftists are admitting that it doesn’t work:

Something to be aware of:  The Deep State has made it clear that no matter who wins the Presidency in 2024, they’ll just ignore them and do what they want anyway:

A very relevant tweet on X:

Farzad on X: “The collapsing birth rate is actually way worse than you think. One of the biggest things I’ve realized since becoming a father 3 months ago is that I spend an obscene amount of time thinking about the future. This is because I want my child to have the best possible place to” / X

N adds: What was it Lennon’s song said… “living for today”… when you have kids, by definition, if you have even a shred of responsibility you’re planning for the future.

The fraudulent donations of ActBlue as starting to be looked at.  Will anything come from it?  I doubt it, as the Uniparty does NOT want Trump in again:

Who’s Donating to Left-of-Center ActBlue? (

Election fraud is FINALLY starting to be investigated:

Election Fraud Search Warrants Executed « Lawrence Person’s BattleSwarm Blog


The UK is now seeing the results of 4+ decades of “cultural enrichment”:  Stabbings and murders by jihadists out in the open.  They are even recording it on their phones!:

Either there are many people in the UK government who WANT this to happen (Islamic takeover), or they are scared to do anything about it for fear of a Muslim uprising.  So the UK government is either treasonous, or cowards.  Not a good look.

N adds: A Telegram contact said the man died. That did look like a carotid or jugular strike given the amount of blood. What on earth happened to that kid in the stroller?

Some good Meme’s here:

The Feral Irishman: Memes and Musings

More memes:

Even the overseas Chinese journalists are calling out the new York Times for their pro-CCP stance:

A good article from Star Parker of the Epoch Times about how the country needs a “reawakening”:

90 Miles From Tyranny : Kamala Harris Backs Publicly Funded Health Care for Illegal Immigrants (

Food, clothing, housing, phones, health care, education… anything else?

Forgotten radios and missed warnings: New details emerge about communication failures before Trump rally shooting | CNN Politics

The day before the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, a tactical team of local police officers set aside radios for their Secret Service partners so the two agencies could communicate during the former president’s July 13 campaign rally.

But those radios were never picked up.

At this point, more and more, this goes well beyond “incompetence”.

WW3 Watch:

Ukraine Used US Glide Bomb in Russia – Free West Media

Moonbattery Taxpayer-Funded Housing Grants for Foreigners Only – Moonbattery

But… but… but we’ve been assured by our intellectual and moral superiors that the Great Replacement is only a myth.

Big Green:

Earth Is Getting Greener and That’s a Big Problem for the Climate Doomsday Cult – Free West Media

As I understand it, because more CO2 means the leaf pores don’t need to be open as much to get the needed CO2, so they don’t lose as much water.

How we know that the sun changes the Climate. Part I: The past | Climate Etc. (

How we know that the sun changes climate (II). The present | Climate Etc. (

How we know the sun changes the climate. III: Theories | Climate Etc. (

In my own journey from climate alarmist to skeptic, the complete denial that the sun could play any significant role in earth’s climate variation was one of the weights that pushed me.


Erick Erickson: The Jobs Aren’t All Right (

Turns into a rant about the enemedia though.

THEY LIED TO YOU: Biden Regime Admits 818,000 Jobs “Never Created” * * by Noah

Taxing Unrealized Gains Would Obliterate The U.S. Economy (

Kamala Harris’s Unrealized Capital Gains Tax Was Already Tried, And It Destroyed the Greatest Empire the World Has Ever Seen (

Migration and dangers of:

Another Palestinian Terror Watchlist Member Caught in New Mexico – HotAir

The Daily Chart: Border Control in Sweden | Power Line (

The Rape Capital of Europe | Power Line (

“We are here to stab white people,” shout gang of Muslim invaders in small French town (

Multiple Stabbings By Muslims Across the UK, Dad With Stroller Stabbed in the Neck – Geller Report

Greece: Two Muslim migrants attempt to rape Dutch tourist in front of her boyfriend (

DEBUNKED: The popular myth that Israel stole land belonging to the Arabs who only became known as “Palestinians” in 1964 (

Yes. In-migrating Jews paid exorbitant prices for the land they bought.

Globalism / Tyranny:

UK: Politician held without bail for calling on Northern Ireland to ‘stop the spread of evil Islam’ (

David Horowitz: Fighting For Our Nation’s Survival | Frontpage Mag

2024 (broad):

Rasmussen Reports Finds that 3% of 2020 Voters were Non-Citizens Who Plan to Vote Again in 2024 (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Ohio Sec. of State Refers 597 Foreign Residents for Prosecution for Voting Illegally – The Lid (

Hotties For Harris | Frontpage Mag

EXCLUSIVE MRC POLL: Most Dem Voters Don’t Know About Harris’s Radicalism (

It’s a high school election popularity contest.  And for Tribe members specifically:

Fear and Brisket for Jews at the DNC | Frontpage Mag

Editor of Jerusalem Post: Harris ‘Would be a Disaster for Israel and the Jewish People’ | Frontpage Mag

Study: Most Antisemitic Crimes Committed by Liberals – The Lid (

Good prep site in general:

Ask a Prepper, how to prepare, survive and thrive, latest news

Please, Sweet Merciful Jesus, send us a holy and manful Monarch like King St. Louis IX. PLEASE. Because we have now learned the hard lesson that DEMOCRACY DOESN’T WORK. | Barnhardt

I can’t say I agree, at least not yet, but… thought provoking nonetheless.

Are we seeing the death rattle of freedom of speech in the West? Links 1 for August 25, 2024 – Vlad Tepes (

I think we are. Certainly TPTB want it gone.


Other link sites (because I’m busy):

Doug Ross @ Journal: Larwyn’s Linx: The Left’s Swift Shift After RFK Jr.’s Trump Endorsement (

About daily.  As is this site:

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/24/2024 | Gates of Vienna

Both also have free-standing posts too.  And also, quick-hit fashion, here:

The Other McCain

Oh, heck, just look at the left side of my old blog for all sorts of people to look at!



Pick of the post:

Who is familiar with this WWII cartoon?


Palate Cleansers:


Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee


Aid and Comfort



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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